INBOX INSIGHTS: Keeping Projects on the Rails, Overcoming Analysis Paralysis with AI

INBOX INSIGHTS: Keeping Projects on the Rails, Overcoming Analysis Paralysis with AI

?? Catch the replay of our Generative AI for Sales Webinar!

Assumptions Of Time

I wrote about making assumptions about people’s time on LinkedIn the other day. Given the responses, I think it’s worth bringing up again. Here is the original post:

Don’t use the excuse of assuming someone is “too busy” to not loop them in.

From your side, you might think you’re “protecting” their time or their calendar. Your intentions are good, but they aren’t helpful.

The person who is being told that they are “too busy” is hearing, “we don’t think you care enough to prioritize this, so we didn’t bother.”

Miscommunication is easy. Good communication is hard. Trust is even harder.

I’ve told my team over and over, “you’re not bothering me. If I can’t do something, I’ll let you know.” But it doesn’t always stick.

We’re all dealing with some kind of trauma from being lied to, being misled, being gaslit. It’s hard on both sides. When I’m told that it was assumed I’m too busy to be looped in, my default is that I’m not trying hard enough.

The best way forward is to be direct. Try to take what someone is saying at face value. Acknowledge that building trust is an imperfect process. To build trust, you’ve got to give people a chance. Otherwise, you won’t break the cycle.

I would also add that starting an ask with “I’m sorry to bother you” begins the interaction on the wrong foot for both parties.

A better option is, “I have a few things to ask/cover with you. Is this a good time?” Instead of “being a bother” you’re allowing the other person to choose for themselves.

It’s important to highlight where communication will break down. Especially as technology makes it easier and easier for us to disconnect from each other. In this example, you’re taking choices away from the person you’re protecting. You’re not giving them the option to say if they can or cannot participate. You’ve already told them they aren’t participating. Instead of being helpful, it can be hurtful. The more this happens, the more the person who is “busy” gets excluded from important things. It can create the illusion that the “busy” person doesn’t try to prioritize well.

We can’t know what’s going on with someone else at all times. What they think is important and what you tell them is important to them are different things. As it is, we have texts, emails, chats, social media, and a bunch of other technology that keeps us from interacting with each other. It means that when we have to try harder to have good communication, to build trust with each other.

How good is your communication with your team? Reach out and tell me, or come join the conversation in our Free Slack Group, Analytics for Marketers.

- Katie Robbert, CEO

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Binge Watch and Listen

In this episode of In-Ear Insights, the Trust Insights podcast, Katie and Chris tackle the challenge of using generative AI for sales, both B2B and B2C. Discover how generative AI helps you analyze customer data and identify pain points to improve your selling approach. Learn how this technology can bridge the gap between sales, marketing, and product development for a more collaborative and effective strategy. Katie and Chris emphasize the importance of understanding customer needs and aligning your products or services accordingly, highlighting the limitations of AI when it comes to human judgment and decision-making.

Watch/listen to this episode of In-Ear Insights here ?

Last time on So What? The Marketing Analytics and Insights Livestream, we walked through marketing your podcast more effectively with AI. Catch the episode replay here!

On this week’s So What? The Marketing Analytics and Insights Live show, we’ll be rebuilding KatieGPT and talking about AI maintenance. Are you following our YouTube channel? If not, click/tap here to follow us!

In Case You Missed It

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Data Diaries: Interesting Data We Found

In this week’s Data Diaries, let’s talk attribution. Wil Reynolds of Seer Interactive posted a really interesting, thoughtful article about measuring SEO and search in the age of AI, pointing out that the KPIs and metrics we’ve used to measure SEO in the last decade are no longer applicable. Wil points out things like AI-powered and AI-assisted search provide absolutely no data to marketers, and the best you can do is estimate some things.

There is one metric, one KPI that he omitted that has stood the test of time for almost 30 years in SEO now. It worked in the 90s, it worked in 2004, 2014, and 2024. Here it is:

This venerable field should be on your contact forms, on your acquisition points, in your call center scripts, wherever you take in prospects, leads, and opportunities. A simple, open-ended field that asks people how they heard about you.

Today, that open-ended question is more valuable than ever, as people find you through more channels than ever - Telegram, Discord, ChatGPT, conferences, you name it. And what used to be a complex, challenging problem - parsing all that open-ended data - is no longer, thanks to generative AI. With today’s modern models, you can either have them do the categorization directly, or write the necessary code to use older forms of classifying open-ended content.

Either way, this venerable gold standard of attribution (and yes, it’s not perfect - it has limitations like selective memory, recency bias, etc.) is the enduring measure of attribution. It’s the one data gathering mechanism that is immune to privacy regulations because the customer volunteers it. It’s timeless. It’s flexible, adapting with the times. And with the power of AI now, it’s just as easily processed and analyzed as any other marketing data.

This is the corollary of what Katie often says, which is that new technologies don’t solve old problems. In this case, an old solution solves new problems.

If you’re not collecting this vital data point, you should make that change today.

Trust Insights In Action

Job Openings

Here’s a roundup of who’s hiring, based on positions shared in the Analytics for Marketers Slack group and other communities.

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Imagine a world where your marketing strategies are supercharged by the most cutting-edge technology available – Generative AI. Generative AI has the potential to save you incredible amounts of time and money, and you have the opportunity to be at the forefront. Get up to speed on using generative AI in your business in a thoughtful way with our new offering, Generative AI for Marketers, which comes in two flavors, workshops and a course.

Workshops: Offer the Generative AI for Marketers half and full day workshops at your company. These hands-on sessions are packed with exercises, resources and practical tips that you can implement immediately.

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Course: We’ve turned our most popular full-day workshop into a self-paced course, available now and updated as of April 2024!

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