It’s but one more rescue sent from our Lord. This one louder than the one before it, the sound and sounding of the bells as the nation and nations watch closely before their own eyes and ears; the marching of truth and justice once again stepping forward, to obtain goodness and righteous where it can be restored. Yet, even this is but another rescue sent to us all, inn order that many shall be saved before the great and trouble, fearful day of the Lord reveals Himself in the clouds of His creating, as evil brought about evilness, so now comes the righteousness of the Lord, standing tall as never before, revealing to all in order for all who shall to make ready and prepare for the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.
“Hold, Firmly, Even Restore!”
The Battle is not over, yet the Victories have already been won!
Just as it as been written, so let it be done, “On earth as it is in the heavens!
So much injury, so much hatred, so much burning, defunding of police, entire police forces under attack, cities being turned upside down, authorities coming out and hurting so, so many in the streets, forces against the people their agenda of evilness!
All these who for months and months ushered in fears as bullies in forcing more than violence into the lives of America!
Lawlessness in the streets, people being judged as and by the evil ones being beaten in the streets and the elderly hurt and harmed!
The release of a virus in order to lock down as the enemy of God and of mankind, itself rushes and paid others to rush into the streets!
Ushering in abominations and bring such fear over our nation for months! Still this day casting fear of continuation of bringing down everything good and real as needed in order to continue their evilness!
They boasted, they did stand firmly; Shaking their fists at God and laughing at God who is righteous and the only righteous one!
Yet, the One which they have come so strongly against, not man, not the President of the United States; not even what man works so hard to put into place and maintain of any bit of good and righteousness; God Himself!
These shall not be the revelation of the victory over all who have gathered together to enforce evilness over righteousness and abominations over sound Words of God: “NO”
God has given knowledge and provided wisdom to a man and a group of men. God has provided for the entire world to be revealed all of that which has been done in secret and darkened places!
Because their childish ways of wickedness, of note passing, of allowances of ushering in before all mankind has now been revealed! “That which has been being performed in the darkness, now has been revealed in the Light!
The hook God used was a man, whom God’s hand was and is upon!”
Near and far alike such hatred of their own ushering into themselves and accepting, and pressed outward, their hatred for all that is good and righteous;
Is the very usage of God Turing against themselves!”
“Hold” and “Watch!”
“For our God is wiser and His thoughts not those of man’s nor His ways those of Man!”
“God “NOW!” Action upon the earth as never before and the deepest of the evilness shall be brought down because of their own hatred!
Within their own pride and agendas, within their own performances against all others shall the wicked be brought down; Turing upon themselves their workings of evilness; as turning their own swords upon themselves!
O Sing all the nation, give thanks all the earth; For the Lord God is One, and there is no other! For God has brought His Wisdom and Knowledge forth and our Father has raised His voice against the evilness of this day!
Who can fight God?
If God is for us who can be against us?
Give Praise this day, for our redeemer Lives and Our Father has sent forth His Wisdom and Understanding to one who He (GOD) has strengthened Supernaturally by and in His Spirit!
Shout out loud, give Praises, dance and rejoice For God has provided for His Own that which no wickedness and evilness can fight against; “Their own hatred and Power seeking shall be the downfall of themselves before all mankind and all creation!
O give thanks sons and daughters of Almighty, for your Father has shown Himself as never before nor shall He ever again!
Jump and allow your spirits and your souls to rejoice in the streets in Giving thanks to God alone for He loves you! He is for you and He has never been against you!
Rejoice, rejoice and again I say rejoice, for God is for you openly right in front of all evilness and wickedness! As He has prepared a table for you in front of all of your enemies and His; where none of the evilness shall be revealed as prevailing! Our God Lives and is alive, He goes before us fighting every battle and He has sent His army before Him, the army of Heaven where His Kingdom is!
So, fall on your faces and prayer and meditate upon the Lord for He is Good and greatly to be praised!
Bring out your musical instruments in your homes and in the streets, let your praising and dancing be heard around the nation and let your praises fill the entire sky’s reaching from the earth into the heavens!
Let the heavens rejoice with the earth and blow the trumpets in the United States of America , reaching and coming out of Israel , let the earth join in and let all creation sing praises to the Lord!
For God is truly good and He is for His children! Our God saves and our God heals, “ALL!” And there is none other In All creation liken unto Him, nor shall there ever be!
Now prayer and meditate upon the Lord, at all times giving thanks to the Lord, for He has provided yet time for all who know Him now to see our joy and peace in our God; as He, Our Father reveals Himself to all mankind as never before!
“Now suddenly, God has been shaking the earth and greater shall His shaking come! Because God loves all and desires all to repent and to turn to Him!”
“One More Lord Jesus, One More, drawn into You as You continue to reveal Yourself let each of Yours have added time to gather into You, one more! Each day and every minute of the days allowed, let us praise You and let our joy and peace be located in You; let Your Spiritual Light shine in us and through us for all to see and for all to come forth joining in the joy of Your salvation! Jesus Christ our Lord!