The Inaugural Monthly Messenger
We’ve got global communications’ number — so we’re sharing important updates and discussions with you, plus some insights into what the netnumber Global Data Services team has going on.?
Welcome to the first installment of netnumber Global Data Services’ monthly newsletter, where we’re rounding up the best of both telecom and netnumber updates! Check in here every month to learn a bit more about our team, check out our action on the event circuit, and discuss the biggest topics in the communications space.?
December is always the best time to not only look back at challenges, changes, and successes of the previous year, but to look ahead at what a fresh new slate will bring. This year, our team has unveiled a new brand (read on to learn more about that), built new partnerships, unveiled new products (obligatory shoutout to RCS Routing), and more. But beyond the boundaries of our own company, the global communications landscape has experienced a tremendous amount of growth and evolution — a trend that is sure to continue and accelerate in 2023. So, let’s talk about it.?
Without further ado, here are the top items for the communications sphere and beyond in December 2022.?
Your friends from the netnumber Global Data Services team.?
Innovative or Irrelevant??
Let’s talk about the big-ticket items and up-and-coming topics in the world of global communications. Think of this like a ‘hot or not’ for the telecommunications fanatics out there.?
Feel free to use the comments to weigh in and share your thoughts on these trends and their impacts:
What’s up with STIR/SHAKEN?: We recently shone a spotlight on this topic and the discourse it’s stirred up within the communications ecosystem. These protocols have big implications for fraudsters —? but they also have big impacts on international voice calls. Now, the big question is this: How do we put a stop to malicious activity without inhibiting the players that enable valid communications?
Are ‘tech-cos’ the new telcos?: Adolfo Hernandez, VP of Amazon Web Services' global telecom business unit, just noted in a LightReading article that in 2023, one of the biggest trends will be the accelerated evolution of telcos into full digital service providers. Enriching customer relationships with expanded capability isn’t a new idea — but to what extent will we, or should we, change the landscape and scope of the traditional telco? What technologies and strategies will we need to get there?
Will E.T. finally phone home?: We’ve all heard a lot about the potential rise of satellite-based connectivity, but will 2023 be the year when this finally takes off? Nokia thinks it just might be. Sure, iPhone 14s already support satellite calling for emergencies, but if we see an increase in Non-Terrestrial Networks (NTNs) with widespread spaceborne transmission and connectivity capabilities, how will that change the way global calling and messaging operates and stays secure??
So, what do you think? Are these trending topics innovative or irrelevant?
Out and About
Recently, our team was out cruising the December event circuit with extra pre-holiday cheer. We’re always excited to meet new people, reconnect with old friends and colleagues, shake hands and share ideas. This month took us from London to Miami to Singapore and back again — and we wouldn’t have it any other way.?
If you’re headed to beautiful Honolulu for #PTC23 in January, be sure to give us a shout! In the meantime, here are some of the memories we made at the #MEF event:
A Monthly Meet-the-Team
For our inaugural Linkedin newsletter, we figured there’s no better place to start with introductions than the head honcho himself: Our CEO and President Steve Legge .?
Not only is he a globally experienced telecom CEO and COO, he’s also a Yale-certified executive leader — and he has a pretty cool Australian accent to boot (despite living in North Carolina). Did we mention he’s also a second-generation racecar driver?
Don’t miss out on some of his words of wisdom in his article about unveiling the new netnumber Global Data Services brand, what makes a successful team and business, and more. (There’s also some great footage from their NASCAR launch event, so if you’re into that, this is for you.)
Your Final Food for Thought
‘Tis the season for giving — and with all those holiday expenditures comes a desire to double-down on protecting against revenue leakage. So, you might not love hearing this not-so-fun factoid from Capacity Media - a techoraco brand :?
In one month of traffic with 3 million minutes to one origin-based routing (OBR) destination, one Tier 2 carrier identified potential losses to the tune of more than $120K. That’s 30x the margin generated on that traffic.
Don’t worry, we have a gift for you to make up for this lump of coal. If you’re interested in learning how these cost challenges can be overcome, check out our recent blog on #OBR here.?
So, that’s our roundup for December — the last month before we say hello to a bright new year in 2023.
Cheers and happy holidays from us to you and yours!
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