Inamuragasaki Reef Operation (Medieval Siege of Kamakura)
In medieval Japan, Yoshisada Nitta(warlord) besieged the capital Kamakura in order to overthrow the Kamakura government, and after about a week of siege, it fell.
What seems to have been the beginning of the capture is the current plan to cross the reef from Inamuragasaki.
In Kamakura, which is surrounded by mountains to the east and west, and the sea is approaching to the south, after capturing Mt. Ryozen at the western end, taking advantage of the opportunity that the cliffs of the mountain became shallow due to low tide, the army was forced to cross the reef. There is a powerful historical theory that he raided Kamakura from
In order to enable reef crossing operations that take advantage of low tides, it would be impossible to formulate operational plans without detailed intelligence on weather and topography.
It may be difficult even with satellite image analysis (imint) (of course, there were no reconnaissance satellites in the Middle Ages). Interception of communication information (signatures) (capture of letters, etc.) would have been impossible during the one-week siege.
After all, it is highly likely that the decisive intelligence came from local residents such as local fishermen, officers familiar with the area, and allied officers who knew how to use the topography (Humint).
In order to acquire the above intelligence, it is essential to win the hearts of the people, build trust with allies, and embed and acquire information sources to enemies and enemy territories.
I think it can be asserted that the strength of the Nitta army at that time was more than the superiority of numbers.