Abdul Ghafoor chhachhar
“There is no 100% correct things and 100% wrong things in the Universe”
Therefore, claiming 100% right 0r 100% wrong is the confidence without clarity! However, for accepting anything we seek clarity not confidence.
Inadequacy has several meanings like inability, unable to do, dependency, self-doubt, inferiority, and confusion as well. If your inadequacy is joyful and amusing than its positivity but if it confuses you that shows the negativity in you. Which is the disaster itself in your mind. These days, many children and adults are suffering from this problem which may be rooted from parents or surroundings. The feelings of isolation in the classroom, laziness, it might be correct or not, avoiding the questions, scaring, and lack of interest are the symptoms of self-judgements. We always compare our competencies with our surroundings but checking competence within yourself provokes the inadequacy. Hence, one of the reasons for the misbehave among children is the inadequacy. They feel down and refuse to face the situations that hesitation unable them to cope with the feelings of inferiority.
Conceiving these pessimistic thoughts affecting the overall performance of children in the school, at home and adults at the workplace. They feel helpless and do not know how to communicate and express their feelings. Certainly, no parents and teachers want to see their children to be hopelessness or doom and gloom, and face these uncertainties which might cause serious consequences in their lives.
Therefore, being responsive and present physically close with them will increase the comfort and feelings of care will help your children to share their difficulties which help them to get out of their uncomfortable zone. Surly, developing trust, to be loved, to be praised, always are win win situations.