in-depth study of two-way plasma-surface interactions, examining how the plasma arc ablates the nozzle and contacts

in-depth study of two-way plasma-surface interactions, examining how the plasma arc ablates the nozzle and contacts

A two-dimensional time-dependent model was created, with computational fluid dynamics equations used to solve for critical parameters such as plasma velocity, pressure, temperature, magnetic vector potential, and electrical potential. This model also considers radiation and nozzle ablation to provide a more comprehensive understanding of arc formation, contact cooling, and arc temperatures. The study goes further by using sublimated materials from contacts and the nozzle to calculate the distribution of plasma composition, which is then used to modify the plasma parameters. The data processing techniques utilized provide a clear insight into the arc's thermo-electrical behavior, with the simulation results in good agreement with measurements obtained in an experimental setup. This study provides added support to the experimental work and vice versa, with discussions on ablated points on the nozzle and contacts, which further modify plasma parameters and the arc voltage. The simulation and experimental results confirm each other, providing a more complete understanding of the phenomenon.


Ali Kadivar Ph. D.的更多文章

