To in-cab cam or not to in-cab cam?
Brad Harris
Founder "Free of Plastics" Initiative, freelance writer and English teacher.
The number of companies now requesting for cameras to be included in their GPS tracking solution has grown considerably in recent months. This is totally understandable given the benefits of having on board cameras and the protection against false claims against this provides.
We allow up to 4 cameras to be used and a common problem is to whether to have a camera in the cab. This can be quite a touchy subject with arguments being very strong for or against.
Usually the strongest argument in the ‘for’ group is to keep drivers observant of road and company policy, mostly in respect to the use of (or not use of) mobile phones. This is certainly a relevant point and not something companies can become lax in compliance.
Police can and do check mobile phones after an accident.
The main argument against in-cab cams is, without doubt, privacy or the lack there of. It can be somewhat unnerving to have a camera watching you the whole time, but there are plenty of companies that already have this setup, especially in the public sector.
Any camera added to a vehicle reduces harsh driving incidences by up to 10%.
While I tend to lean towards not using a camera in the cab of the vehicle, I certainly understand that there are times when it’s preferred.
I’d be very interested know what you think and which side of the fence you land.
If you’d like to find out more about how to include cameras with your GPS tracking, don’t hesitate to contact me directly.
Thanks for reading, Brad & Team.
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