Mohammad Ashiqueullah
Ex-Teacher, SCOLASTICA and SUNBEAMS . Last served our premier English medium school SUNBEAMS
Written by:
Dhaka University Graduate in Economics
(Updated after the verdict of Pakistan Supreme Court) #
Pakistan is boiling incessantly on the economic and political front. A deep economic crisis has already gripped Pakistan. Once a vibrant economy in South Asia, it is now in terrible shape. On the economic front, Pakistan may have to embrace the possibility of being a defaulting nation in international debt servicing. Internally, the people of Pakistan are enduring oppressive inflation, low national output, a substantial international debt burden and very poor performance in foreign trade and investment and severe foreign exchange turmoil, etc. In the backdrop of this development, the country has plunged into a deep political crisis as the incumbent government of Shahbaz Sharif arrested the outgoing prime minister, Imran Khan, from the courthouse, some say forcibly kidnapped, defying the legal civility which even an ordinary citizen deserves. Imran Khan was promptly put on remand. It is reported that over 100 cases have been brought against him by the present government. This is a clear reflection of the Pakistani political culture where political vendetta is conducted in a calculated manner against the opposition leaders and activists.
Following the arrest of Imran Khan, his supporters took to the streets in large numbers to voice their deep anger and frustration against the government's decision. They think that the government of Shahbaz Sharif has done it deliberately in order to prevent Imran Khan from taking part in the coming election. According to them, the whole episode is politically motivated and designed to disqualify Imran Khan for the next election. The ongoing protest took an ugly turn as the angry mob not only resorted to destructive behaviour but also invaded the army headquarters and complexes in different cities expressing their enormous dissatisfaction against the army's interference in a democratic dispensation. This is a significant development in Pakistan's politics because the people have identified the Army outfit as an accomplice in putting Imran Khan behind bars. So the confrontation between the people and the army has now come to the forefront. It has exposed the Pakistani military establishment as a very active force working behind the scenes to interfere directly in the politics and democracy of the country. For Pakistan's military establishment, there may be bitter 'lessons to be learnt' in the sense that they might now feel the urge to change their traditional behaviour pattern of poking noses in the dispensation of civil government.
Meanwhile, the Supreme Court delivered a bombshell verdict stating that Imran Khan's arrest at the courthouse was illegal and ordered his immediate release. This has certainly been an unwelcome blow to Shahbaz Sharif's government and the military establishment. Following a Supreme Court judgement, the Islamabad High Court granted a two-week bail to Imran Khan. But, Imran Khan is still not out of the woods because he could be rearrested on other charges levelled against him. Already the interior minister of Pakistan declared that Imran Khan would again be arrested if needed.
The political state of Pakistan is really fluid and undergoing deep uncertainty about whether democratic rule will prevail or the military will take over and once again Pakistan will be subjected to martial law. Some political analysts are not dismissing this possibility and some others are ruling out this possibility because the present economic crisis will discourage the army from taking over the power. Pakistan is not just facing a political crisis, but also a serious economic crisis. So, the army will have to tackle the ongoing economic problem, improve the economic conditions of the common people and also improve Pakistan's international standing as a politically and economically viable and stable nation. Above all, they have to get international recognition as the rightful organ to run the country. All these matters may be discouraging factors for them to replace the civil government and impose martial law.?
Assuming that the Pakistan army will not remove the civil government and keep the democratic structure working, they will certainly try to bring their chosen party into power. This will mean, consistent with other opposition parties’ plans like Nawaz Sharif's PML and Asif Zardari's PPP, blocking the way for Imran Khan and his party PTI to come to power. Their foreign masters, the US and her allies, will also, perhaps, have the same option. It is to be noted that Imran Khan and his party have to fight all these powerful stakeholders of power in Pakistan which is a formidable task remaining behind bars. All is said and done, but Imran Khan's massive support of his countrymen is a huge plus point which has to be reckoned with by his adversaries. So any foul play against Imran Khan's PTI by Shahbaz Sharif's government and its loyalists will not be easy to execute. For them, the electoral road is already quite thorny and bumpy.
So what awaits Pakistan in the coming days? Will stability return to Pakistan? Will sanity and good sense return to the incumbent government and the army quarter to see the country's interest, not their own interest? Can anyone bring national unity and save their country from mutual annihilation? Going by the track record of the leadership of Pakistan it appears to be a resounding NO. The decision of the incumbent government to start legal proceedings against outgoing Prime Minister Imran Khan, with some ulterior motives, will lead to even more instability in Pakistan. The army generals will not be sitting idle and watching the drama of the civil government because overnight they cannot shake off their inveterate culture of interfering with the governance of the civil administration. So, the people of Pakistan will have no respite from the chaos, confusion and confrontations set off by irresponsible politicians and their cohorts.