Improving Smart Beta Attribution Analysis - Part II

Improving Smart Beta Attribution Analysis - Part II


  • Attribution analysis is important for understanding the risk and return drivers of a fund`s performance
  • However, this can be attributed to factor performance and factor exposures
  • Which needs to be further differentiated as exposures can be positive or negative


In our last research article (read Improving Smart Beta Attribution Analysis), we highlighted the complexity of attribution analysis, which incorporates asset class and factor performance and a fund`s exposure to these. A value-focused smart beta ETF can severely underperform the general stock market, but this is mostly a consequence of the poor performance of the value factor rather than the stock selection process.

Factors are as cyclical as stock markets, which makes single-factor funds risky investments. Multi-factor funds try to mitigate this risk by allocating to multiple factors, but this has not worked well in the U.S. over the last decade (read Market-Neutral versus Smart Beta Factor Investing).

However, how do you run an attribution analysis when the exposure to the factor is time-varying?

In this research article, we will explore an attribution analysis framework for dynamic multi-factor funds.

Continue to the full article...


Improving Smart Beta Attribution Analysis

Factor Investing Is Dead, Long Live Factor Investing!

The Case Against Factor Investing

Smart Beta vs Alpha + Beta Outperformance

Ain’t Alpha How Painful

Can Factor Investing Get?

Smart Beta: Broken by Design?

Combining Smart Beta Funds May Not Be Smart

Musings about Factor Exposure Analysis

Factor Exposure Analysis 101

The Complexity of Factor Exposure Analysis



