Improving Sales…
Sue Gallagher
To Build a Business That Works so YOU don’t have to you MUST...Master the 5 Levels of Ownership, the 9-Step P.R.O.F.I.T. Roadmap, and the 3 Pillars of Success. I'm here to guide and support YOU every step of the way...
Often when it comes to improving sales, people think they need to do more marketing…
?We just need to generate more enquiries…
?And that can be a great idea…
?After all we should never, never stop marketing…
There is a far better and less expensive way of increasing the sales in your business…
Let me ask you…
When was the last time you looked to improve your conversion rate?
The actual process you take prospects through to turn them into paying clients…
?The reason I’m asking is because the results from doing this can be game changing…
?If you currently have 10 sales meetings and 2 of those meetings turn into paid work you have a conversion rate of 20%...
?So 80% of the people you meet with, write a proposal for or submit a tendor for say no…
?What if you increased that to say 40% what have you done?
?So, how do you do it….
?How do you improve your conversion rate?
?How do you improve your sales process?
?The first step is to actually document your present sales process…
?Remember your sales process starts with your marketing message…
?Is your marketing targeted to your ideal clients?
?If it’s not talking to the right people how will you ever convert them into paying customers?
?So, what are all the steps…
?How many steps are there...
?Often, I find for many small business owners, they are just going out to a sales appointment or they’re answering the phone, whatever it might be and they’re just doing it on the fly…
?Perhaps that has worked in the past and may still work occasionally but there’s no rhyme or reason to it and it’s very dependent on what is happening in that person’s world on that day…
?Often the way the individual members of the team go about this will be different which leads to an inconsistent experience for the customers…
?Customers love consistency…
?Even if you offer a poor product or service many of your customers will stick with you at least in the short term because they know what they are going to get…
?For you to get more consistency what you are doing you need to do is to flowchart your sales process…
?What are the steps that you take a prospect through to get the sale…
?For some businesses, this can be a very short process just a couple of steps...
?For others it might be a more complex sale that takes lots of steps…
?As a rule the bigger the ticket price the more rapport you need to build through your process…
?What steps do you have in place that help people buy?
?That help people make a decision after all that’s what sales is all about…
?Helping people make decisions around your product or service…
?To see if it is a good fit for them and will it help them solve their problem?
?Once you have it documented and mapped out then you can go to the next step and ask some questions…
?I do love a good question?? here’s a few to get you started…
?Have I got too many steps?
?Have I overcomplicated things?
?Can I simplify the process anywhere?
?Do I need to add some steps?
?You could ask if I were to add a step where I send some testimonials or case studies or send a personalised video will that help them with their decision?
?How can I make the prospects first interaction with our business better than their first interaction with our competition?
The key thing here is until you get it down on paper and work out what is going on and what isn't going on now YOU won't know what to do next…
And then once it is all written down you can work out what are the tools or resources that you may need to create to support each step of the process…
Would scripts help?
What are the key questions that need to be asked at each step?
?Now when it comes to scripts, it is not trying to be that robot…
?It’s not about having a script that is perfect word for word it’s just a framework designed to gather the correct information…
?So, what is the key information that you need and what questions are needed to ask to find out what the customer actually wants so you can decide if you are a fit or so that you can make the right recommendations to help them achieve their goals or outcomes…
?You might find that you need to create a presentation or some case studies or some videos or some other tools that will help people make their decision to choose you and not your competitor…
?Finally, by mapping it out and documenting your sales process, you can then measure each step…
?Where are people dropping out of your process…
?What can you do to improve that step in your process...
?What are your conversion rates at each step-in percentage terms…
?What can you do to improve those conversion rates…
?Having this information will help you decide where you need to loop back and improve steps within your process…
?I urge you to give this some serious consideration to what improvements you can make to your sales process so that more of your enquiries are converting into paying clients…
?P.S. remember your job is to get them to the next step not to make the sale in the first 30 seconds…
?That said if they want to buy early on because they are your ideal client and you have the perfect solution you don’t need to force them to go through the whole process ??
Sanity and safety and FUN in a world gone woke. Coach, Writer, Performer, Speaker, Thinker, Interviewee, Interviewer.
2 年Yes: ?your job is to get them to the next step not to make the sale in the first 30 seconds… But at some point, it is conversion time - something where I'm not an expert.