Improving outcomes for first-generation college students

Improving outcomes for first-generation college students

We're breaking down more of how we graded Texas colleges in our recent report card reveal. In this post, we're sharing how universities scored in the Student Services and Interventions Category. The University of Texas Permian Basin and University of North Texas scored the best overall in this category.

Probation Interventions

Once a student is placed on probation, their chance of getting off probation or graduating plummets.?To avoid students dropping out once they are placed on probation, it is important that universities intervene to give every student the best chance to remedy the situation.?Universities should have a universal response when students are placed on probation so that no student slips through the cracks.?The ideal response is for their academic advisor to immediately and personally contact the student to set up a meeting where they will create a plan for the student.?These plans will differ depending on the student’s situation, but likely include taking fewer hours, setting up tutors or other additional help the student may need, and ensuring that the student can be successful in their chosen classes as well as the major they have selected.?Following this meeting, academic advisors should frequently stay in touch with these students to ensure that the plan is going well and to suggest any adjustments.?Many of the participating schools already follow this protocol which helps students get off probation and on the road to academic success.?The universities were asked if they have a universal response to a student being placed on probation and how they respond.?Here are some of the ways that universities proactively respond to students on probation:

“First-year students are required to participate in an academic recovery program that is a collaborative effort between the first-year advising unit, the student success/transition course, and Success Coaching. Non-first-year students receive assistance from Success Coaching (targeted outreach, specific recovery efforts tailored to the individual student need), and in some cases, their college academic advising center.”

  • Texas State University

“UTPB has a dedicated staff member for students placed on probation. Each student is required to meet with this staff member (in-person, virtually, phone calls, or emails). They are then given guidelines for the next semester and what is required of them to be removed from probation.”????

-The University of Texas Permian Basin

The schools that have a universal response, and the advisors are required to get in touch with the student and schedule a prompt meeting are:

  • ?Angelo State University
  • The University of Texas Permian Basin
  • University of Houston-Victoria

Read more about the Student Services and Interventions offered by Texas colleges who filled out our Report Card survey in the link below.


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