Improving Our Educational Systems Part 1
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Improving Our Educational Systems Part 1


Let us start by acknowledging the bitter truth:

  1. We produce TERRIBLE educational results
  2. Our students waste years, learning NOTHING!

Can we CHANGE things? Can we provide a SIGNIFICANTLY better education, with CURRENT resources? YES, we can – with ALL our limitations. HOW can we do this? NOT by doing more-of-the-same. Some of the popular wrong paths to progress are:

  • Teacher Training
  • Improving Student Backgrounds – ZERO semester
  • Improving Pedagogical Methods
  • Increasing Salaries, Working Conditions/
  • Libraries,
  • Research Facilities and/or?Methodology

BOLD, out-of-the-box thinking. COURAGEOUS change-steps are required

WHY should change require boldness & courage?

Wouldn’t Strong Positive Change be Welcome?


The Central Battleground is KNOWLEDGE!

Knowledge can Enslave or Liberate!

Radical Changes in Educational System will be STRONGLY resisted by Powers-That-Be

But, strongly welcomed by students, people – and this is what creates the possibility of launching a revolution in education. Rapid Change, with Strong Positive Results, ewith Current Resources? YES, it is possible. But HOW?

The First VITAL Step:

Recognizing Useful Knowledge and differentiating it from useless knowledge. Our current educational system provides useless knowledge, which is why it is so harmful to our students. How did this happen?

Brief Summary: Europeans changed their theory of knowledge. Rejecting Christianity as basis for knowledge, they went to Observations and Logic. This led to prioritization of knowledge of the external world. And LOSS of knowledge of our internal world.

Western Education provides “knowledge”. But what is “knowledge”? To learn the answer, we must study Julie Reuben:?Making of the Modern University: Intellectual Transformation and the Marginalization of Morality?A summary is provided in:??

Very briefly, In early 20th Century, GOAL of education was to build character, teach social and civic responsibility, leadership skills. THIS was the most important kind of knowledge!

New Theory of Knowledge became widely popular: Logical Positivism. It states that Science is the only valid form of knowledge. Science produced FACTS – objective, universal truths.?Everything else was OPINION – subjective and NOT knowledge. EDUCATION was re-shaped by this (DEADLY) theory of knowledge. Character Building was abandoned. Purely Technical Education was adopted. Since Western education dominates the world, children around the globe are given this type of education.

Teachings of Islam launched a revolution 14.5 Centuries ago! These teachings transformed ignorant and backward Bedouin into world leaders. They created a civilization that enlightened the world for more than a thousand years. They are just as revolutionary today, as they were 14 centuries ago! These teachings provide an education radically different form that provided by the West. To understand how loss of this education has damaged and impoverished our lives, see: See: Syed Abul Hassan Ali Nadwi: What the World Lost Due to the Decline of the Islamic Civilization. A brief summary is provided in:???

Islam provides us with essential knowledge:

  • What is the purpose of our lives?
  • How should we spend the precious few moments we have?

Science cannot be a guide to life. SCIENCE, or knowledge of external reality, has no answers to these central questions.?Western education provides us with knowledge of external reality, but none about the central question we face in our lives.

End of Part 1

URDU Lecture by Dr. Asad Zaman at Government Sadiq College Women’s University, Bhawalpur. On Monday 5th Sep. 2022, at 10:00 AM, on invitation by Dr. Taseer Salahuddin:?

THIS is a English Re-Recording of above lecture, broken up into two parts.?This is the first part – second part to follow. shortlink for video:


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