Improving Driver Retention Through Employee Observation
M.B.W.A. – Management By Walking Around – was a term created to maintain a pulse of what is happening in the real world.
Your dispatchers are running a million miles a minute. They make more decisions in a day than the CEO does in a week. This makes it hard for dispatch to see the forest through the trees. That's your job.
A problem identified is a problem solved. 80% of the battle is figuring out the real issues – solutions fall into place when you know the real problem.
Asking people what's going well and what can be improved is a good start. But, you need to touch, taste, and feel it for yourself.
Make time to sit in dispatch and observe. Do it for an hour at a time once a week. Schedule the time so it becomes a ritual.
If you say you'll do it when you have a free hour, you'll never do it. Schedule it. Treat them as sacred, untouchable meetings.
Organize your observations into three buckets: keep, start, and stop.
Build on your strengths to address the weakness.