Improving data to solve financial crime operational challenges
By Matt Beattie , Partner, BeyondFS
In my frequent conversations with Ops leaders in financial crime environments, one thing stands out. Whatever challenges they’re facing or questions they’re trying to answer, the common theme is the need for better data.
“Which clients need to meet specific regulatory requirements?”
“How can I be confident that all necessary clients are being screened?”
“How can I increase visibility of the upcoming client refresh demand so I can plan my resourcing?”
These operational headaches, and many more, are often worsened – or even caused – by a lack of access to reliable data.
Take one example. I recently worked on a major offboarding programme, hired because the firm was overwhelmed by the amount of work involved. Dormant clients were tying up valuable resources; analysts were spending hours chasing information from clients who hadn’t transacted in years.
By taking the time to analyse the available data to identify and offboard these clients before they landed on an analyst’s desk, we streamlined the process and freed up critical capacity. All because we saw the client’s issue as a business challenge that had a data lens, and solved that first.
Why data problems persist
Most of the Ops leaders I speak to recognise that better data could help them with any number of internal challenges. But they’re time-poor, and they don’t have access to people with the right skills. Data people are great at data but rarely understand financial crime; financial crime teams often don’t understand how best to use or connect their data to support decision-making. Problems remain unsolved.
If you're nodding along to this story, take heart. You’re not alone. In my experience, organising client data is an entirely solvable problem that is solved almost nowhere.
All too often, leaders reluctantly accept the status quo, managing challenges as best they can. Problems fester until they become critical – or worse, result in a regulatory breach.
So how would I advise a firm stuck in this scenario? I ask Ops leaders to start small.
Take one challenge that can be solved using your data, and figure out how to approach it. Then you can build from there.
Solving client data challenges
To start, you need to consider the issue that you’re facing and ask yourself what data points could help answer your question. Broadly, client data challenges fall into one of three types:
1. Identifying client characteristics
Ask: What data attribute, or set of attributes, are the hallmarks of this particular category of client?
To solve your immediate challenge, you may need to identify the data markers that tell you their risk score, product usage, geographic exposure, or any number of other client characteristics. By mapping and often combining these data attributes, you can reveal previously hidden insights into your client base, laying the groundwork for the next phase of work.
2. Mapping client operational data
Ask: What are the markers in the data that confirm, with confidence, that a certain task or operational procedure has been conducted?
To answer a question about the current status of an internal process, like the offboarding challenge I recently encountered, you will need to understand what data attributes demonstrate operational progress or completion. That could be an open case flag, or perhaps the presence of an account type associated with the client. These attributes aren’t all in one system. Be prepared to get creative in linking them – trade system IDs, to LEIs, to account IDs and so on. Gaining insight into this data provides a depth of understanding that many don’t have and provides a level of certainty that is often missing. Imagine knowing every day, with certainty, which clients had traded, or remediated, or completed legal document negotiation. How valuable would that be?
3. Uncovering efficiencies
Ask: How can I use my data to create the most efficient process?
Efficient processes stem from well-understood data. Once you’ve defined the attributes and markers you need, the next step is using them to design smarter workflows. This is where grouping, streamlining, and prioritising come into play.
A great example of this is identifying major client groups – say, multiple entities under a single parent organisation. Instead of treating each entity as an individual task, consolidating your approach might save time and reduce duplication. You could communicate with that client once, provide them with a more joined up service, or even spot unusual activity in one entity and immediately be able to consider if it impacts the other parties. Is your organisation able to provide you with this visibility today?
Why do I suggest starting by understanding which type of issue you’re dealing with? Because you know your business or function and can envisage what is possible. From there, you can engage with your data teams to make it a reality. It’s the first step to solving your data problem.
Getting started
Be aware that if you stroll up to the senior executive in charge of a function and say, “I need to fill these data gaps!”, you’ll likely be faced with a blank expression – it’s not their job to know the detail. But if you know what kind of data you’re looking for, or looking to connect, you can find the right people in those teams to approach for answers.
It could be the Sales Desk Assistants – because guess what, when a trade gets booked incorrectly, it lands on their desk. They’ll know how the booking system works inside out.
It could be the Credit Officers. Most firms are on top of managing their credit lines, as you’d imagine. If you go to the mid-level Credit Officers, the troopers who are there at 8pm fixing problems, they’re likely to be able to tell you where the data is.
Or it could be another team; one where they have intimate knowledge of the systems and can tell you the hack they’d use to solve your challenge using the data available.
That’s where I’d start. You really don’t need a moonshot approach to solve a data problem. Start with one clear question, identify the kind of data you need, seek out answers internally, and the results will follow.
Are you wrestling with these questions? Talk to our expert consultants at BeyondFS to learn how we can help guide you through the challenge.?Find out more on our website:
Head of Marketing at BeyondFS
1 个月Good summary of how to get started!
KYC | FinCrime | Operational Efficiency | Helping leaders across financial crime deliver greater efficiency and risk management
1 个月This is really accurate. So often data is at the heart of a challenge. As an example, I was speaking to an organisation earlier this week who haven't captured some of their data correctly upfront which is causing all sorts of regulatory and operational issues now.