Improving Credit Decisioning Models
Saurav Srivastava, CFA, FRM
AVP | Group Risk and Global Markets | Lead BA | Product Owner | CBAP, CSM, CSPO Certified
Credit decisioning is the process of making a decision to extend credit facility to a counterpart. It is a core business for banks and the profitability depends on the accuracy of decisioning. It is a complex process which takes into consideration multiple interdependent elements.
Gini Coefficient of a model describes the effectiveness of a model in differentiating between the good borrowers and bad borrowers. It is also used to compare models on their predictive capability. Objective is to improve the Gini score of the model by improving the predictability. This is done by reducing the number of false positives and false negatives. False positives are those cases where model predicted a default and borrower didn't default. False negatives are those cases where model predicted no default and borrower defaulted.
3 Benefits which banks can reap from using high-performance credit decisioning models
As customer information becomes more democratised via Open Banking and regulations such as PSD2 and as fintech companies and attacker banks proliferate and focus on increasingly digitally savvy customer base, it becomes increasingly difficult for incumbent banks to preserve market share and profitability.
Banks can improve decisioning by having Credit decision models that can include new data points, model accurate customer behaviours, identify new segments and react faster to business environment changes.
Ways of improving credit decision models
For Example a pandemic submodule can be created which can take into consideration the change in cash and net income to signal financial distress in the model. Similarly how the management is treating a business is also a good indicator of future solvency of the company specially in the SME space.
Following a customer-centric approach vs a product-specific approach leads to a higher performance model as customer centric approach takes into consideration data signals related to all product areas with which a customer interacts. Model development teams must validate assumptions with business. The data being used should be distinct as data overlap can skew the results. Financial data sources from two sources can result in double counting of financial factor thus over emphasising the impact.
Open banking is being leveraged for adding transactional data. By accessing data across banks Open banking makes it possible to build a complete picture of income and expenses based on the transactions data. Telecom data of bill payment history, Social media data on professional and personal travel, connections, jobs etc are also example of non traditional data which can improve the model.
Local factors are more important for SME businesses, whereas risk factors derived from company reports are more relevant for large businesses. ML techniques can be used to identify and define new customer segments. ML can be used to develop challenger models to identify other signals which can improve the incumbent model score.
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