Improving Cardiovascular health with Hare Krishna Mantra chanting

Improving Cardiovascular health with Hare Krishna Mantra chanting

Warning: this article will likely appeal to Math/Science/Engineering majors. Others can skim through numbers and focus on the message.

The visible light wavelength is 380-750 nanometers

The wavelength of human audio varies depending on the frequency of the sound. Here's a breakdown of wavelengths for different frequency ranges in human audio:

Fundamental Frequencies

  • Adult male voices: 90-155 Hz Wavelength: 2.2-3.8 meters
  • Adult female voices: 165-255 Hz Wavelength: 1.3-2.1 meters

Voice Frequency Range

  • Typical range: 300-3400 Hz Wavelength: 0.1-1.14 meters

Extended Frequency Ranges

  • Narrowband: 300-3,400 Hz Wavelength: 0.1-1.14 meters
  • Wideband: 50-7,000 Hz Wavelength: 0.049-6.86 meters
  • Superwideband: 50-14,000 Hz Wavelength: 0.024-6.86 meters
  • Fullband: 20-20,000 Hz Wavelength: 0.017-17.16 meters

High-Frequency Energy (HFE)

  • 5,700-22,000 Hz Wavelength: 0.016-0.06 meters

The wavelength is calculated using the formula:

Wavelength = Speed of Sound / Frequency

Assuming a speed of sound of 343 m/s at room temperature (20°C)

It's important to note that while humans can produce sounds within these ranges, the audible frequency range for most individuals extends up to about 15 kHz, with younger adults and children potentially hearing up to 20 kHz

Heart resonance:

The heart also has a "little brain" with neurons just like the brain in your cranium. Heart resonance, also known as resonance frequency breathing or cardiorespiratory coherence, is a phenomenon where the heart rate, blood pressure, and respiration synchronize, typically occurring at a breathing rate of about 6 breaths per minute (0.1 Hz). Key aspects of heart resonance include:

Resonance Frequency

  • Typically around 0.1 Hz (6 breaths/minute) for most adults
  • Individual resonance frequencies range from 4.5 to 7.0 breaths/minute
  • Corresponds to a breathing cycle of about 10 seconds

Physiological Effects

  • Maximizes heart rate variability (HRV) amplitude
  • Increases respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA)
  • Enhances baroreflex sensitivity
  • Promotes parasympathetic predominance

Measurement and Assessment

  • Identified by having individuals breathe at various rates (e.g., 4.5, 5.0, 5.5, 6.0, 6.5, 7.0 breaths/min)
  • Evaluated using HRV frequency and time domain measures
  • Largest changes in HRV typically occur at the resonance frequency

HRV Parameters

  • Increased low frequency (LF) power in the 0.04-0.15 Hz range
  • Higher standard deviation of normal-to-normal R-R intervals (SDNN)
  • Increased root mean square of successive differences (RMSSD)


  • Used in heart rate variability biofeedback (HRVB)
  • Potential benefits for various health conditions and stress reduction
  • Regular practice may improve overall HRV and autonomic balance

Recent research suggests that while 0.1 Hz is the most common resonance frequency, some individuals may achieve higher coherence scores at slightly lower frequencies (0.0469 to 0.1016 Hz). Additionally, the resonance frequency may not be entirely stable over time and could vary between sessions for some individuals

From Reference 1

From Reference 1

The Hare Krishna Mantra is not associated with a specific wavelength in the physical sense, as it is a sound vibration produced by human speech rather than an electromagnetic wave. While the mantra doesn't have a physical wavelength, its repetitive nature and specific frequencies are believed to have spiritual and meditative effects. Practitioners often chant the mantra using prayer beads (japa) or listen to recordings to experience these benefits. Let's discuss some relevant aspects of the mantra's sound:

  1. Frequency: The mantra is often chanted at a frequency of 528 Hz, known as the "miracle frequency" or "sun frequency". Some recordings also use 432 Hz7, which is considered a healing frequency.
  2. Duration: A typical round of the mantra (108 repetitions) takes about 7-10 minutes. Some recordings offer longer durations, such as 30 minutes8 or 1 hour6, for extended meditation sessions.
  3. Rhythm: The mantra follows a specific meter called anu??ubh, which consists of four lines (pāda) of eight syllables each.
  4. Pronunciation: The mantra has a specific Sanskrit pronunciation, which can be represented in the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA).

Hare Krishna mantra chanting rate mapped to heart resonance:

The Hare Krishna mantra chanting rate can be effectively mapped to heart resonance in several ways. The ideal chanting speed is around 6-7 breaths per minute, which closely aligns with the typical heart resonance frequency of about 0.1 Hz (corresponding to 6 breaths per minute). A standard round of 108 repetitions of the mantra takes approximately 8-10 minutes, allowing for sustained rhythmic breathing that can induce heart coherence.

Physiologically, chanting the mantra increases heart rate variability (HRV) amplitude, enhances respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA), and promotes parasympathetic dominance. The mantra chanting typically occurs at a slower rate of about 3 respiratory cycles per minute (0.05 Hz), which can lead to strong cardiovascular oscillations.

This slow chanting rate increases synchronization among heart rate, respiration, and blood pressure oscillations, similar to effects observed in heart rate variability biofeedback at 0.1 Hz. Additionally, repetitive chanting synchronizes brain waves, particularly activating delta waves associated with deep relaxation.

The practice of chanting also promotes a shift towards parasympathetic dominance in the autonomic nervous system, leading to increased heart coherence. By maintaining a consistent chanting practice of 16 rounds daily, as recommended by ISKCON founder Srila Prabhupada, practitioners can potentially achieve sustained benefits in terms of heart resonance and overall cardiovascular health.

Breathing Rate and Cardiovascular Oscillations

  • OM chanting typically occurs at about 3 respiratory cycles per minute (0.05 Hz)
  • This slow breathing rate leads to strong cardiovascular oscillations
  • Unexpectedly, OM chanting at 0.05 Hz can result in 0.1 Hz oscillations in heart rate and blood pressure

Heart Rate Variability (HRV)

  • Chanting increases high-frequency (HF) power in HRV, indicating increased parasympathetic activity
  • Enhanced HRV is associated with a state of relaxation and calmness
  • Experienced yoga practitioners show higher baseline HF power, suggesting long-term benefits

Autonomic Nervous System Effects

  • Mantra chanting promotes a shift towards parasympathetic dominance
  • This shift leads to increased heart coherence and improved mind-body connection
  • The vagus nerve is stimulated, releasing vasopressin and regulating heart rhythm

Brain Wave Synchronization

  • Repetitive chanting synchronizes brain waves, particularly activating delta waves
  • Delta waves are associated with deep relaxation and restorative states
  • This synchronization may contribute to the overall relaxation effect

Physiological Synchronization

  • OM chanting at slow rates (around 0.05 Hz) increases synchronization among heart rate, respiration, and blood pressure oscillations1
  • This synchronization is similar to effects seen in heart rate variability biofeedback at 0.1 Hz

In conclusion, mantra chanting, especially OM chanting, closely maps to heart resonance by inducing slow breathing rates, increasing HRV, promoting parasympathetic activity, and synchronizing various physiological oscillations. These effects contribute to a state of relaxation, improved cardiovascular function, and overall well-being.

From reference 21


This can be a topic of a master's or PhD thesis. Now look at what you missed all these years. Start chanting Hare Krishna
























Like seriously

Prashanth Idgunji

Executive Director Finance at Cyble Inc

1 天前

Prabhuji I chant 20 rounds everyday. I chanted 25 rounds today. I start when I wake up and end before I sleep. I agree with the contents of the article and thank you Radhika Gopinatha dasa for sharing this. Hare Krishna ????


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