Improving cancer mortality and tackling waitlists with AI technology
The beginning of February marks World Cancer Day. In the UK, there are
around 1,000 new cases of cancer every day[1]. As we know all too well,
the NHS has been battling long waiting lists since before the COVID-19
pandemic. But the consequence of that pandemic is especially serious for
people with cancer. Macmillan estimates that, as of March 2022, the
number of people starting treatment for cancer in the UK was still at least
37,000 lower than expected[2].
NHS England would need to work at 110% capacity
for 7 months to catch up on missing cancer treatments
because of the pandemic[3].
Currently, only 3 in 10 NHS Trusts in England are meeting their referral
targets[4] - a worryingly low number for patients facing a cancer diagnosis.
Later stage diagnosis has serious implications for a person’s ability to
survive their cancer and to their after-effects following treatment. That’s
where we come in.
Figures show that there are around 7.21 million people waiting for
treatment[5] and that, last year, 7.8 million appointments were missed
across NHS services[6]. We’ve created a way for NHS trusts to manage
their backlogs, meet their cancer targets, and improve the health of the
nation. This means that we can help NHS trusts to get people diagnosed
with cancer onto the right, life-saving treatment pathways sooner. And we
can get more people into important screening appointments.
New evidence suggests that black women routinely suffer late-stage
diagnosis for women with breast, ovarian, uterine, non-small cell lung
cancer and colon cancer, and that black men are diagnosed with prostate
cancer at a later stage than white men[7].
Jon Shelton, head of cancer intelligence at Cancer Research UK, says
“[t]hat’s why tackling known barriers to help seeking, whether that’s fear or
difficulty accessing a GP, is so important – so more people come forward
with symptoms.”
We have a plan to address this, incorporating our unique AI insights with
brand new opportunities across social media. When we speak to people
directly, from the palm of their hand and in their own language, we can
address factors that stop them seeking help. Things like not knowing what
symptoms they should be reporting to their GP, something that twice as
many women from an ethnic minority background reported compared to
white women (23% vs 12%)[8].
In fact, we’re already working with 5 hospitals across
2 trusts with over 2 million outpatient appointments.
Our pilot is currently live across Mid and South Essex NHS Trust. We’re
empowering their administrative staff to know which appointments will be
missed, why, and how to do something about it. Our products that mean
clinics can rely on a steady stream of appointments to give all patients
access to healthcare.
Because not everyone does. Improving engagement with healthcare
providers is a major factor for reducing health inequalities[8]. And stories
like Cheryl’s [hyperlink to blog post: World Cancer Day blog] demonstrate
that there can be multiple considerations for patients from minority
backgrounds when it comes to engaging with their healthcare provider.
When hospital teams know more about a patient’s accessibility needs,
cultural or religious needs, or other commitments, they can personalise a
patient’s care with smarter appointment times. That includes switching
people to virtual appointments, when it makes sense, and reserving high-
value appointments for the most in-need.
“Every appointment freed up could be used for other
patients, especially those who have been waiting the
longest, helping us continue to make progress to
reduce the longest waits.”
That’s what Steve Barclay, Health and Social Care Secretary, had to say
about initiatives that directly tackle the NHS backlog[9]. Initiatives like ours.
We were founded in 2019 with a clear mission: to use AI to understand
human behaviour, create efficient services, and challenge health
inequality. And we’ve achieved over 90% Area Under the Curve accuracy
in predicting non-attendance with over 2 weeks notice – which could save
the NHS £1.2 billion a year.
More than 15 million general practice (GP) appointments are missed each
year. Around 7.2 million missed appointments are with busy family
doctors, which adds up to more than 1.2 million GP hours wasted each
year – the equivalent of over 600 GPs working full time for a year10].
The combined cost of these missed appointments could pay for:
? The annual salary of 2,325 full time GPs
? 224, 640 cataract operations
? 58,320 hip replacement operations
? 216,000 drug treatment courses for Alzheimer’s
? The annual salary of 8, 424 full time community nurses[11]
We’re at the cutting edge of something truly game-
changing for the NHS. And we’re looking for forward-
thinking trusts to get involved.
At Deep Medical, we’re deeply innovative, deeply perceptive, deeply
curious, deeply collaborative, and deeply principled. We’re looking to work
with like-minded Trusts to expand our pilot and demonstrate clearly the
benefits of our products - for patients, and for healthcare providers.
Because when everyone has access to healthcare, and the NHS can save
on unnecessary cost burdens, everybody in society wins.
We want to help NHS trusts make the best use of every available slot they
have, especially in light of the COVID backlog and cancer waitlists. So
we’re opening the call to hospitals and GP surgeries who’d like to get
involved. You can learn more about us and our products on our website
[hyperlink] and get in touch with us here [hyperlink
to relevant inbox].