Improvement of elevator safety by risk management

Improvement of elevator safety by risk management

Owners/managers of an elevator should ensure that the elevator does not endanger the safety of users. Therefore, they must subject their elevator to a thorough risk analysis by an external service for technical control (EDTC) in the first instance no later than 15 years after the initial commissioning of the elevator and thereafter at intervals not exceeding 15 years.

The risk analysis compares the safety of the technical equipment of the existing elevator with the safety of an elevator made and installed to contemporary legal requirements. It is a tool to identify the residual safety risks associated with the elevator. Identified safety risks must be resolved:

  • Immediately in the event of serious risks;
  • Within 3 years after the risk analysis has been conducted for other residual risks.

An elevator modernization company such as Qualivate helps the elevator owner/manager in finding the best technical solutions to remedy the risks found by the EDTC. ?After approval of our detailed quotation, modernization works are carried out and inspected by the EDTC so this service can issue a regularization certificate to the manager/owner of the installation.

What with historical elevators?

Due to the historical value of some elevators, it may be difficult tot implement standard technical safety measures. If the elevator has a certificate of historical value, the deadline for modernization operations is postponed to 31/12/2027.

Interested or want more information?

Please do not hesitate to contact us by e-mail: [email protected] or phone: 03/375.97.20.



