Improved Access to Gridded Weather Data
Speedwell Weather continues to compile and derive gridded datasets as popularity for enhanced weather data coverage increases. We have seen gridded data being used in industries such as agriculture, renewables, energy and weather risk management. This emerging-market need has led us to develop our brand new Gridded Data Downloader that can be accessed directly via the Speedwell Weather website.
Click here for more information
The Product
Gridded data refers to geospatial datasets of meteorological observations. These datasets are produced by numerous organizations utilizing various techniques and can be used to construct "synthetic" weather stations. Each synthetic weather station functions much like a real weather station in that it has both historical observations and ongoing updates. The Gridded Data Downloader now facilities the process of acquiring gridded data by making it readily available for external download. To retrieve gridded data, a user simply has to choose an option from each of the fields at the bottom of the webpage (see screenshot below):
After choosing a provider, a user can select a weather variable from a list that includes temperature, precipitation, dew point, wind speed/direction, surface pressure, solar radiation, soil moisture, wave height/direction and more. In addition to daily data, temporal resolutions of both three-hourly and hourly are available for some providers and variables. Full histories are accessible with many datasets extending back as far as 1979 or even further for some providers.
Available Gridded Datasets
Speedwell Weather currently processes eight gridded data products and has also developed two proprietary, *high-resolution (5km) gridded datasets.
- ARC2 (Africa)
- Bureau of Meteorology (Australia)
- CHIRPS version 2.0 (long-term rainfall)
- DWD - Regnie Project (Germany)
- ECMWF ERA-Interim Reanalysis (global)
- MERRA2 (global)
- UK Met Office (global SST)
- *Speedwell Weather ECMWF ERA-Interim (5km global)
- *Speedwell Weather MERRA2 (5km global)
For more information and subscription options on our new Gridded Data Downloader or on any of our other weather datasets, please contact us at [email protected].