Improve your print assets at no extra cost
Nigel Nicholson
Helping our clients by providing cost effective print solutions, that are delivered throughout the UK.
We love print. There's something tangible, tactile and oh so personal about it. Yes, we love digital too but when used together print can really be a tremendous asset that amplifies your message.
Why do we believe print still matters?
Wherever you look you'll see print. From the breakfast cereal to your take away coffee cup and the free paper on the train; it's all print. When you hand over a business card at a network meeting that printed asset can lead to a great relationship and even a massive contract. It's the start of something; the start of a conversation, a friendship, a customer journey. But look at your business cards. Could they be better?
Are you taking advantage of print's capacities?
Did you know that in the U.S. for example advertisers know the power of direct mail and they spend $167 per person. For that investment they reap $2095 so if your maths is sharp that represents 1300% ROI. Even Forbes suggests that sometimes it's hard to really replicate what can be achieved by print just online.Why its that? When I started this article I said that print is tangible. People still enjoy glossy brochures and high quality print that creates an impression. If something is well produced people are loathe to throw it away. Next, retailers have started shipping out books instead of catalogues. It would be very hard to put a book in recycling. Ours sits on the coffee table and is flicked through often. Looking at my house it's filled with Next furniture. Coincidence? Probably not.
Print is the real deal in so many ways.
It seems credible for a start. There is a feeling of legitimacy that comes from print. Whether it will always be the same who knows? But bearing in mind books were supposed to be 'so last year' and the e-reader was going to blow them out of the water..well, I rest my case.
Print can really establish your brand,
This is especially true in a local market. With the help of data and tracking you can target printed assets brilliantly. Bearing in mind print is still engaging, and people are more likely to read a leaflet carefully than skim read a website isn't it time you invested in print?
Yes, it all depends on the market but if you research carefully you can talk directly and effectively to people who need to hear your perspective or would appreciate your products. Remember, print is considered old tech and we all know that old tech is now relaunching as "different, quirky and attractive". It offers another experience compared to new technologies.
Outclass the competition with upgraded print assets
So if you want to upgrade your print assets and make people sit up and take notice of your business then we can help. We will also bet we can undertake an upgrade of cards, brochures and leaflets without actually costing you any additional money. Sounds too good to be true? Never. We can create business cards that make your competitors feel outclassed. We can design, print and deliver beautiful leaflets that really demonstrate your value proposition. With a compelling call to action you might be surprised just what can be achieved for your business.
If you want to attack the Post Christmas Blues then start creating a colourful campaign today. After all, it's not that far from Valentine's Day! We can help with every aspect of your 2018 marketing campaign. So call us now on 01709 789359 or email me: [email protected] for help, an estimate or a chat.