Improve Your Email Marketing Strategies in 10 Simple Step

Improve Your Email Marketing Strategies in 10 Simple Step

Email marketing can be one of the most effective ways to build relationships with your customers, but without a sound strategy and properly implemented optimization you could be losing those all-important email opens. Your email marketing should aim to stay connected with your target audience while delivering valuable and engaging information about your brand and what you have to offer. Forbes has described email marketing as "a leading channel for getting the best ROI", but it's only possible with the solid approach that considers the needs and behaviors of your customers above all.

Ready to optimize your email marketing? Check out our top 10 tips to build a strategy that really works!

1. Personalization and Adaptive Content

Don't treat your customers like nameless faces. Instead try a personalized approach by segmenting your subscribers based on the data you've collected. Targeted emails elicit higher click rates. Another way to personalize your email marketing is to incorporate adaptive content that provides relevant information to the reader based on geographic location, weather, and cached behavior.    

2. Improve Deliverability 

Are your emails making it to the inbox? If not you've got a serious problem. Work on your deliverability by getting your email authenticated and addressing any spam complaints. Not every email service provider (ESP) guarantees that your emails go through so make sure you are being proactive in this area. 

3. Gain Subscribers with Advantageous CTAs

A great way to build your subscriber list is by utilizing a call to action (CTA) directly on your website or social media page. The most effective CTAs typically offer a coupon in exchange for subscription to a mailing list. This is an especially useful tool on homepage as the customer's presence there already suggests they are interested in your product. Used properly a CTA pop-up can increase your subscribers and make sales.

4. Subject Lines that Strike a Chord

Evoke an emotional connection with your customers and increase your brand recognition with emotional subject lines. Emotionally charged headings can generate higher click percentages and even better sales since many people make emotion-based impulse purchases while shopping online.

5. Optimize for Mobile Viewing

According to mobile email statistics more emails are opened and read on mobile devices than on desktops. With 55% of emails opened on a mobile device, it is crucial that your emails are optimized for easy mobile viewing. Shorten your messages to fit preview screens and consider using a responsive design that renders cleanly across devices.

6. Pre-Header Text

Pre-headers are increasingly important because of their frequency of use in mobile emails. These secondary subject lines should provide another reason to open the email. Think of something concise that has a sense of urgency and continues to use personalization and emotional triggers.

7. Compelling Content, GIFS, and Pictures

Meaningful, interesting content is probably the most important factor of your email marketing strategy. If you send repetitive, boring, uninformative text you will lose your audience's interest. Your content should be compelling, visually appealing, and to the point. Consider using GIFS and pictures to get across broad ideas in a single frame.

8. Lead Scoring 

Lead scoring systems assign scores to every marketing interaction your company has with its customers. With successful lead scoring your sales team can determine which leads are more likely to turn into conversions and retarget marketing strategies toward them. 

9. Customize Your Sales Funnel

Direct your sales funnel based on individual customers. Examine the customer's journey and behavior in order to determine what they are looking for and how you can provide it.

10. Avoid Overkill and Opting-Out

Don't overdo it. If you have a healthy subscriber list, it's natural to want to make use of it and engage as many customers as possible. But 54% of the average person's inbox is made up of promotional emails and daily contact can feel a lot like harassment. Try to set a strict schedule for your emails that limits your contact and gives your customers space. Too many emails with little change in content is dangerous because it may lead your customers to unsubscribe.

Of course, if your company sends a lot of emails and has no intention of slowing down you can also consider adding an opt down page. The opt down page appears when "unsubscribe" is clicked. Opting down gives your subscribers the option of receiving fewer emails instead of completely unsubscribing. 

Your customers subscribe to your emails for a reason. It's up to you to meet their needs and provide value and information that makes them feel connected and loyal to your enterprise. Use all these tips or just implement a few and see what a difference a focused email marketing campaign can make.


