Improve your BtoB customer relationship with TMS

Improve your BtoB customer relationship with TMS

As a Supply Chain manager, you are the last link in the chain before the end customer and therefore the guarantor of a successful experience. For this, you must put in place systems that contribute to satisfaction and loyalty. If in BtoC customers benefit from very detailed order tracking and a delivery horizon, this is not always the case in BtoB exchanges. Let's see how the implementation of a TMS (Transport Management System) can significantly improve your customer relationship.

Why is it essential to improve the BtoB customer relationship for delivery?

As in traditional commerce, the question of delivery has become an essential subject of BtoB customer satisfaction. Your teams spend time designing products or exporting them and think about end customers. But part of this work should not come up against a difficult or at least unreadable delivery.

So much so that improving the customer experience, in particular through flawless delivery, is part of the roadmap for companies. All have now understood that the customer experience is the essential cog in the wheel of growth and reputation.

As the economic daily Les Echos explained in May 2021, i.e. a year after the first deconfinement, it is necessary to “reinvent and rehumanize the link with its customers”, and “in the BtoB, too, build a succession of hyphens with the customer has become a must”.

To put the link with the customer back at the center of their strategy, companies today need, paradoxically, to put in place the appropriate digital tools. They are the ones who allow them to accurately monitor requests and sales cycles, and they are also the ones who promote knowledge and the sharing of information. In this, a TMS stands out as the most relevant solution.

However, according to "Panorama of the dynamic digitization of supply chains" produced by France Supply Chain in 2021, 1 in 6 companies still does not have a digitalization strategy to improve its processes.

Integrate BtoC practices into BtoB for delivery

Yourself, when you order a product online, especially when it has a lot of value, you are very attentive to order tracking. You know step by step what happens to your package before it arrives at your home.

These advantages dedicated to e-commerce customers are gradually taking their place in BtoB relations. In this area, companies can also benefit from this same functionality and many others through a TMS solution that gives them:

  • Visibility when ordering: follow-up of progress statuses until delivery
  • Access to document loading: in particular to anticipate reception and customs clearance operations
  • Access to the management of their complaints: declare a dispute, send evidence, etc.

The creation of these additional services makes it possible to anticipate customer needs. This is all the more important since they are looking for a fluid, easy experience. This can then generate satisfaction and therefore new orders, or the possibility of creating a catalog of additional services with higher added value.

Please note: a distinction must nevertheless be made between the customer experience and the satisfaction rate.?The latter is the result but not the end. In other words, doing everything possible to create a quality experience is essential no matter what. This must also be done in parallel with the employee experience.

What is a TMS?

A Transport Management System is the ideal digital tool for supply chain departments to manage their entire transport process and increase productivity. Follow in real time your goods and all the criteria to optimize your organization and reduce your costs. In particular, it allows you to calculate your CO2 emissions and reduce them. In general, a TMS leads to a reduction in all of your transport expenses.

The TMS is also part of a process to improve the BtoB customer relationship by always providing a correct answer on the status of the delivery at the moment T.

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The benefits of TMS for customer relations and supply chain employees

A TMS is the essential tool for providing better quality of service to your customers by tracking their orders and all the features that facilitate their own organization, in particular through access to their documents.

At the same time, a TMS provides you with all the tools to automate tasks and speed up your operational processing times. It is a vector for transmitting information for customers and employees.

For this, the TMS limits:

  • Wasting time finding information
  • Seizures
  • Email and telephone exchanges

It also reduces document management time. Conversely, the TMS automates recurring and time-consuming tasks, calculations, simulations and controls. You can thus redeploy your resources on tasks with high added value and focus your efforts on your customers as a priority to anticipate their deliveries.

To optimize the experience of your BtoB customers, choosing a TMS such as MyTower TMS is now essential to continue your digital transformation. In this, MyTower TMS allows you to accelerate your activities and the quality of your customer relationship.

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