I was impressed by her drive and accomplishments. A single mom with 3 kids including teenage twin boy's. She was a successful standup comedian, actor, writer, producer and more. The outward beauty she possessed was evident the first time we met and her intelligence and inward beauty soon followed. What I really noticed was her very typical lifestyle. Two dogs, making lunches, taking kids to school, cooking incredible homemade dinners was the norm for her, all the while hustling and creating her next job. This little dynamo was a success but was taken back by losing her radio job and having a few projects stall. Even she needed a boost.
We started a new workout program and implemented Ken Baum Mental Edge. She was a gifted visualizer and got the emotions that go along with a strong visual response. She was low on energy when we first started and it slowly came back and her workouts got better and better. Mentally she was strong. Her life made her strong. A conditioned winner with a lifetime of toughness and success she still had moments of doubt that was keeping her from being her best. Lisa Ann Walter had something special that made her breakthrough this plateau. It was hunger and humility.
Hunger and humility are often lost by the successful. Those that keep hunger and humility can continue to do great things as they are always learning, passionate and driven. To be humble is to be grateful and have a willingness to learn, not entitled. Those entitled lose hunger and drive. Lisa didn't. Lisa was hungry to make her new projects a reality and humble to try new ways of thinking, eating and training. She got her Mental Edge and changed the way she attacked her business and interacted with her family. New roles were won, projects started moving in the right direction and her body looked amazing!
Lisa Ann Walter is a sterling example of a successful person keeping hungry and humble and using them to fuel her next round of success. You will be seeing her on TV this upcoming season in a number of roles as well behind the scenes as writer and producer on a number of projects.
Never settle. Your past is over. Don't rest on past accomplishments or feel entitled. Build your future as you enjoy the present. Be a lifetime student, get your Mental Edge and change your thinking, action and results.
In the tone and coolness of the Dos Equis guy who reinvented himself and is enjoying his greatest success as an old guy in a commercial, "Stay humble my friends" :)
Ken Baum and Lisa Ann Walter pictured above