"To improve life, we have to improve how we live. Basics first, fine-tuning second."
We all like immediate returns... and there is a reason for it... the structure of our brain. James Clear nicely captured the essence of that phenomenon. https://jamesclear.com/evolution-of-anxiety.
There is a need to develop strategies and habits to balance that hardwiredness of our brain in favour of the immediate returns. Neuroplasticity allows for that.
This gap between how our brain is "wired", and the demands of our dynamic living enviroment today, creates stress, illnessses and anxiety. We are faced with various uncertainties in all fields of our life... we feel helpless... and without control.
The solution could be to define pertinent measurement items in our life, to establish pertinent routines / habits, where immediate return items are integrated. By doing so, we would shift our worries about long-term uncertainties, to short-term measurement with immediate returns integrated. We gain the chance to realize control over our destiny, and anxiety will be reduced. Intuitively I deploy this method in my life since some years... with great success.
With development of the Life Balancer (c) methodology I'm in the process to establish a simple and scalable practice, which has the purpose to assist with the above-mentioned life challenge. It will be widely accessible to serve people in need. Please see my corresponding articles / blogs for more details.
To achieve and maintain personal balance and satisfaction is pivotal for long-term success; these are the Basics... here should be the focus. Fine-tuning in different areas of life is also important for sure... even in parallel to development of the Basics. My advice just is: Beware of getting a superman in one aspect ( e.g., health, financials, safety ), while having now good idea about the complete picture of life. This would be very risky for your Life Balance and Satisfaction, as well your impact on the social environment.