Improve Customer Expectations
Just like everyone else, you read the title, "Improve customer expectation". You might be thinking, why are customer expectations so important? Throughout this article, you will start to realize those customer expectations, and how you go about them, affect your business significantly. This article has three major points, which include, why they matter, how to improve customer expectations, and finally how to manage them.
Why do customer expectations matter to me?
Customer expectations are a very huge part of business, no matter where you work, this will apply to you. Every customer walks into a place of business with an expectation of how the visit might go. You can probably relate to this as well. A few days ago, I walked into a hometown restaurant with expectations of how I thought the food might taste, how long it might take, how busy it might be, etc... Everyone creates expectations of how something might go before it even happens. Luckily, not all expectations people create are negative. For example, I thought the food at the restaurant in my hometown was going to be pretty darn good. The reason I thought that, was because every time I have gone there, it has been good. The reason why expectations are important is that word of mouth is very powerful. If you have a customer come in for the first time, and their experience is very poor, they either will never come back, or they will show up with the expectation that it will be the same as last time. They might even tell their neighbors about their poor experience, or even family members. This is why providing high-quality service and products is extremely important if you want to be successful.
How can I improve my customer expectations?
In order to improve something, you must first identify what needs to be improved, if anything at all. Identify what the majority of your customers have in mind before they walk through your door. Are they dreading the visit? Worried about spending too much money? Thinking it is going to take way too long? There are many different questions you must ask yourself when trying to identify what your customers' expectations are. Once you find out what your customer expectations are, you can then make a list of how to improve them. This might include, improving the quickness of a customer's visit, having a cleaner environment, improving the friendliness of your team, and improving the quality of your product. I could go on and on about different things you might need to work on if you want to improve customer expectations. If you focus on customer experience with each and every customer, this will automatically improve your customer expectations. This, however, also means every single customer must be satisfied with their visit. If you know the customer is extremely satisfied with their visit, you can kindly ask if they would be willing to submit a review on google for you. This is similar to word of mouth, many people check reviews before going to a place, looking at what other experiences have been like. Having good reviews online is very important for that exact reason. Identify expectations, make a list of how to improve the expectations, and take action.
How can I manage customer expectations?
Managing customer expectations is going to be extremely hard. Especially if you are constantly having to make changes on your team. Many customers like the fact when they walk into a place they have been to before, and they see similar faces. It doesn't look good if they come back and can't recognize any of the people working. Finding a solid group of people, that you can form into a team is extremely important when managing customer expectations. Having a solid list of expectations for your team is also going to help immensely in managing customer expectations. You must have routine checkups to make sure your team is following your expectations for them.
In order to have positive customer expectations, you must first have positive expectations for your team. Postitivity is contagious. Your team must understand that every customer, whether they buy something or not, is a opportunity to better the image of your company. A team that wants to win, will win. Start making changes today, and you will see improvement in the near future. Don't wait. Start now.
Article by- Connor Hirschfield