IMPROVE. I will be thinking a lot about improvement this week.
I want to improve our results. How can we provide more useful information? How do we make the information more reliable, trustworthy, accurate? How do we make the information more relevant, focused, implementable? How do we make the information more comprehensive, fulfilling more information needs? How do provide such information more quickly? How do we provide such information in a way that is faster for users to obtain and use?
I want to improve our capacity. How can we increase our quality for all of these things? How can we increase our volume? How can we increase our efficiency, finding the optimal balance of volume and quality?
I want to improve our foundation. How can we set ourselves up for continuously improving? How do we strengthen the core to continuously improve our capacity and our results?
I want to improve the environment in which I work. How can I contribute to a culture I want to be part of? How can I contribute to a culture of shared purpose, open dialog, team support, and personal growth?
I want to improve myself. How can I get better at meeting my goals? How can I get better at listening to you? How can I get better at helping you meet your goals?
Wow. That is really a large area to be thinking about. It could be overwhelming just trying to comprehend it.
But how to approach this is relatively simple. We have opportunities, decisions and actions every day and every one is a small step towards accomplishing this. It is only through the accumulation of these small steps that we ever accomplish the big changes.
I will be thinking a lot about improvement this week. I will share some simple examples each day this week. I don’t have the examples preselected but we can all see them every day.