Improve Agility and Overcome Communication Barriers in the Workplace Using Your Genius Quotient | Catherine Mattiske
By: Catherine Mattiske

Improve Agility and Overcome Communication Barriers in the Workplace Using Your Genius Quotient | Catherine Mattiske

Improve Agility and Overcome Communication Barriers in the Workplace Using Your Genius Quotient

By: Catherine Mattiske

Some of the most productive work environments consist of team members who work exceptionally well together, despite their differences. Providing a greater influence and working collectively with a group of people requires strong communication skills, and unfortunately, not everyone naturally has those skills. Before becoming a solid communicator, it's crucial to connect to the people you need to communicate with and understand how they prefer to learn new information. Understanding different learning preferences helps business leaders and their employees overcome common miscommunication issues while improving agility to boost morale and productivity. The key is to understand what it takes to prevent these problems and move forward for the sake of succeeding in any industry.

The Primary Problem with Agility in Most Workplaces

Most wouldn't assume that agility is a problem in the workplace. Still, it's become an increasingly alarming issue amongst employees struggling to attain a level of harmony as they work alongside one another. The idea behind agility is to get everyone working well enough to create a seamless, stress-free process that leads to greater productivity and produces some of the best results for businesses. But, unfortunately, it becomes a struggle when people aren't on the same page due to their learning differences.

Learning differences between employees have an impact on the workplace for several reasons. For example, individuals who learn differently aren't processing the information given to them the same way, so they may react differently or take a unique approach when using that new information to take on tasks at work. As a result, it can eventually lead to misperception and workplace conflict, which will quickly cause an output delay. The output delay then becomes a struggle for businesses looking to reach high-yielding goals.

Businesses often want to experience the rewards of agility that include speed, productivity, and engagement, but they don't always look at the bigger picture, such as the changes they'd need to make to up-skill and achieve those desired results. However, if they're willing to look at the bigger picture, business leaders can focus on creating a more welcoming and accepting work environment that functions better than it did before. The Genius Quotient comes into play at this point because it provides valuable information on the learning process of each person working for a business, from the managers to team leaders and even new hires. Each person would have a unique profile that would allow company owners to identify which employees would work best with one another based on their profiles.

The Importance of Understanding Unique Learning Preferences

Different people will naturally have unique learning preferences. The sooner business leaders unlock those learning preferences and have a detailed understanding of them, the sooner they can expect to build solid teams consisting of productive individuals who continue to excel at their jobs. Companies need to understand that speed isn't everything, especially if they're not providing the best learning environment for their workers. In some cases, it's necessary to slow things down and set a steady pace that works for all employees based on their archetypes. In addition, when understanding the learning preferences of their employees, companies can group people based on how they learn to improve the cohesiveness of each team. Once they've mastered the art of communication between employees, they can then focus on improving other components that lead to agility, such as speed.

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How the Genius Quotient Leads to Better Business Practices

Using the Inner Genius Quotient leads to better business practices because it allows team members to understand each other much better than they did before. Businesses can rely on this system to get an edge over the competition by identifying the archetype of each person. Once they've identified the archetype of their employees, they can create a system that leads to balanced communication for all individuals in the workplace. The system relies on the new information to get employees to work well together, regardless of how they learn and intercept any new knowledge provided.

?People have started prioritizing agility in the workplace less and less because they're struggling to get things right, and it's usually due to a lack of proper communication between team members. However, the Inner Genius Quotient is a tool that helps business leaders get beneath the surface of what agile can do, which includes helping with both structure and processes used daily in the workplace. If business leaders are willing to dive deep into the thought process of the different people working for them, they can improve efficiency and productivity to get more done without miscommunication and frustration delaying the output.

Using the Inner Genius Profile to Accomplish Goals

Learning and growing in work environments requires self-awareness. Identifying strengths and weaknesses based on their Inner Genius Profile makes it easier to resolve problems and get more done. For example, some people are deep thinkers ready to problem-solve by developing a solution for any issue that arises. In contrast, others are results-driven workers looking forward to participating in the steps involved in resolving issues. Some team members are even better at handling changes when necessary to make them.

If employers use this tool to provide valuable knowledge and learning preferences, and the employees lock into their learning ability, agility is no longer a problem. The best way to do this is with insights to determine how each person learns based on their specific Inner Genius Profile, followed by deciding how to communicate with these different individuals and groups as a whole in work environments. The next step involves using the information to provide more significant influence and improve employee performance, because they understand what they need to do and how they need to do it. The Inner Genius Wheel and other tools used regularly can help boost morale, prevent miscommunication, and keep the workplace as productive as possible.

Genius Quotient Profile - Click here

While some struggle with agility, the right influence can change all that. The best way to make an impact through influence is to become a strong communicator with everyone within the workplace, regardless of their Inner Genius Archetype, that determines how they learn and understand things.


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Catherine Mattiske, best known for inventing ID9 Intelligent Design and the Genius Quotient (GQ), is a leading light in the corporate learning and team building industries. She regularly works with large and small organizations to help team members better understand one another while effectively collaborating and boosting individual and team morale and productivity in the workplace.

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