Impress the press I or the strangers? 2022?Doctors
The majority of individuals are concerned about the news. You are making a statement, or are demonstrating for something or someone. Attention for doctor Bernard…?#news
What is the role of the private investigator?
Keep the door closed, literally and figuratively. These people don't even work well together. Everyone has a different statement. Everyone tries to come up with something different to stand against each other and create more division. I renounce this. There is no good communication in this society. People are not or hardly aware of the correct information, which may also be correct in a 3D illusion. With all communication courses, self-help books, and motivational speakers, Is there still a lack of communication? People communicate with many harsh words, and their non-verbal communication is often not or barely understood. Where’s the heart? As a result, I am literally alone in a world of millions. Maybe it’s my rehabilitation? The medicine? Or is it a lack of communication on my part?But I don’t want to waste my last years researching for which I will be hired and then stimulate more rebellion and division in society. I see that not only in society, professionally, but also in private. Many relatives are fighting among themselves, gossiping, and are busy with the new car in front of the neighbor’s door. Check my last words in this article for more. For now, something else first.
Where is Yvonne? She is in a hotel room by herself. Working on some abstract paintings. as well as writing motivational books and articles. But the woman is mostly concentrating on her breathing. It’s not that she doesn’t care about what’s going on around her. However, once you get the answers, you will see that things are changing at a tremendous speed all around you. When you’re still dealing with the effects of a vehicle accident. Then you decide to just breathe. Pay attention to your own heart. And you put your faith in the expertise of others around you.
The hard lessons of life have come to me well. And I choose simple gratitude for the fact that I can breathe and be safe.
Over the years, many people have been busy showing their expertise to other people. An actor or actress wants to end up in Hollywood.
I can tell you that many more people are actors and have written their own scripts. Every person who practices a profession and wants to achieve a certain status does his or her best to be seen and heard. Whether that is via social media or press conferences, Some people just start yelling in the streets and make themselves heard that way. But how often do we listen to ourselves? How often do we listen to our own hearts?
I can tell you when I was on a heart machine and had to search for breath and completely panicked, all I could think was “thanks doctor”. I’m not saying I agree with everything that is going on at the moment. However, I’m not going to do my best to get my point of view more on the front shelves.
.“I am grateful that doctors are present at that moment.” because no one else is by my side at that moment of crisis. Not my partner at the time, not my followers, not my mayor, the government, or the press. Only doctors and nurses are doing their best. Remember that these people are also instructed. I think most doctors have chosen their profession to protect and assist people.
The many protests leave many people in a panic and worry. How much fear should people have in an ambulance right now? After all the conspiracy theories going on about doctors? I’ve had that knowledge through my research for years. However, I can tell you that I “won’t have survived the car accident or my coma without those doctors.” With or without the part about conspiracy theories.
And with or without the knowledge of universal knowing, The spiritual knowledge that I am more than my body. During that car accident, I really felt the pain and worried about my health. Sometimes the Guru stories are put on the internet in such a way that we forget that we still have a human body. We must be careful at all times about what we do with our bodies. Our food, our medications, our daily habits, our words and thoughts. Everything has an influence. If there is no balance and it is taken over by a third party, then there is a problem. However, the problem always starts with ourselves. It is the human being who gives away willpower to the other. Not the other way around.
At the time of the car accident, I was personally responsible for trusting the doctors around me. These people tried to rescue me from the car. Sometimes it is important that we trust the people in our outside world. But don’t be angry if he/she doesn’t meet your expectations. Since no one can know in advance what your expectations are, The same goes for governments. Anyone can protest now. But let’s be honest. It has been a process for years. In which the plans are made and people also vote for certain parties. And certain public figures. Listen to your heart. Relax. And think about your health. All that stress is also unhealthy. That’s not to say “ be silent ”. I’m just saying your health can’t be bought. When you try to protest for better health for your sisters and brothers, Don’t forget your own health.
Yesterday I walked into the small Spanish village to do some shopping. To my surprise, residents were talking to me, “You’re not in the Netherlands? You’re still here! “ Currently, I have been staying at the hotel for over a month since I left my partner. And I was staring at the residents with wide eyes. Why do people think I will leave the village and even the country immediately?
The whole village knows I’m still recovering. I mean, with the number of panic attacks I’ve had since the car accident, maybe only the silent mouse on a mountain would have missed it. Last week, my ex called and said he wanted me back. “Are you not afraid to be alone in the hotel?” This is exactly an example of what people do to each other. Trying to give fear to someone else.
Why should I be afraid to live in a hotel? And why would that possible fear be a reason to move in with him again? Of course, I informed him that I was fine and, after my wish, I had the luxurious hotel room. And that I can relax. So my ex knows I’m staying at the hotel. Of course, he knows this. Even his family needs to know this. I even said it. So why the gossip that I’m back after the Netherlands? Is it gossip because of shame? Because I left my ex. So did they have to find a reason to explain that to someone else? And of course, this is just a thought on paper. However, this happens every day in society. We make conclusions about events that we cannot explain.
Keep in mind that everything you read, see, and hear is the words and thoughts of someone else. with a completely different life course than yours. Everyone’s life is unique. We each have our own past, present, and future. We each grow up with a different background. Our family and friends do influence our choices. But consciously or unconsciously, you are also influenced by other factors. Like movies, news, radio, youtube gurus, tiktok pranksters, fake news on the internet, books, etc., it’s too much to list. Listen to your heart? What does your heart want to tell you? And what does your heart truly desire in this life?Rest or more restlessness. Everyone can make a choice every day. Positive thoughts
Plant seeds for respect, love and peace.
Today the hotel owner said. “You should take a walk outside, get some fresh air or do you have a lot of work?” Of course I said I had too much work. But the truth is, I’d rather not walk into other people’s energy fields. If I really want peace, I have to climb the mountains. But I can’t meet that wish with my current health. I wish everyone success in their search for happiness, tranquility and peace. And that we may all experience more peace in society. A society is formed by all of us. We make or break the story.
Script a success story.
Love and Peace
Yvonne Padmos