Imposter syndrome, you are your own worst enemy
Imposter syndrome has a lot of names like inner critic and self-doubt.
It’s that voice in the back of your head that’s stopped you from applying for new roles. The fear that you are not good enough or smart enough.
You are not alone.
“As many as 65% of professionals have suffered/are suffering from Imposter Syndrome”
The truth is you’ll never be able to completely get rid of that pesky imposter feeling. It can appear when you start a new job, you step out of your comfort zone, or when you set that unrealistic expectation of yourself to be perfect.
This is a great image by Liz Fosslien that perfectly sums up how a lot of people treat themselves.
But you can quieten the imposter voice to just a whisper.
Here are five things to try:
A good tip is to investigate if your employer has an apprenticeship levy. There are levy-funded senior leadership Apprenticeships available, to tap into.
Everyone has experienced feelings of imposter syndrome at some point in their life or at many points in their life. A CEO, a teacher, an inventor, a student and a parent.
“Imposter syndrome isn’t gender specific. Most people have an insecurity. How many people wake up in the morning and say, ‘I’m amazing’ and believe it? We are all working it out together”
Spencer Graydon - CEO, Imago Venues
Despite what your inner critic says, you are enough.
How have you dealt with imposter syndrome?