Imposter Syndrome is making you feel unsafe. This is why...
Michaela Smith
Imposter Syndrome and Conscious Leadership Coach; Dorset Chamber Ambassador
Hello my friends,
I hope you’re having a great weekend.
I am dedicating my weekend to catching up on my school material as the last few weeks have been full on.
I love learning.
Well – I love learning stuff that is aligned to my soul.
I’ve started a new school at the beginning of this month and being part of the like-minded community is always an incredible energy boost for me because it helps me realise that we are all the same and we all go through the same thing. We are in different parts of our journeys but we are all constructed the same way. We are all the same species at the end of the day??. ?
I love learning from people who are further down the journey than I am. I always think – well – if they can do it, so can I. If they can do it, it means it’s doable.
I’ve learned that me reinventing the wheel is a complete waste of my time because I always end up in the same place as the others but because I sometimes (especially in the past, not so much today) want to be clever and think that I am different – I simply complicate things for myself and then it takes me longer to get to where I wanted to get to.
Can you relate or am I the only one?
And because I like to understand things factually myself - it is important for me to explain to my clients I coach on the topic of Imposter Syndrome what is happening within their psyche when the Imposter Syndrome strikes.
If you have the information you can start putting two and two together.
We can then start relating your own individual journey to what you are experiencing.
Every client is different though – some get to the core very quickly as they are more open, some need more time for various reasons. ?
There is no right or wrong way – there is only your way.
But having the information definitely helps – especially if your make up is more logical, thinking based instead of being led by your intuition.
A very important thing to understand when we are experiencing Imposter Syndrome is that our nervous system is feeling unsafe.
When you get triggered and your heart starts pounding, you start sweating and you either freeze or launch into an aggressive attack (or whatever your way of experiencing Imposter Syndrome is) – it is your nervous system saying it is feeling unsafe. ?
And it is feeling unsafe because there is a particular subconscious memory / belief that has been woken up and your nervous system thinks it is back in that moment when you first experienced that memory.
Once again:
You get triggered (maybe you see your boss’ number on your phone) – your nervous system thinks it is back in the past when you first experienced the kind of feeling you are experiencing when you see your boss’ name and it goes panicking.
It thinks there is a danger out there and it needs to somehow protect you.
And so it shifts into a fight, flight or a shutdown state.
Just to protect you from feeling like you felt in the past.
A tricky part here is that because it is a subconscious memory our nervous system is responding to– we don’t actually know what that memory is.
That makes things more complicated because we don’t know why we are experiencing what we are experiencing.
Does that make sense?
And so – the work is to gently uncover that memory which created that certain belief (I’m not good enough), bring it to your conscious mind and very very gently start exploring how we can change that belief.
There will be several layers to this discovery and change.
But the transformation is in facing these subconscious beliefs and emotions that come with it.
This is where (over time) the relief comes from.
It is very important to understand what your triggers are.
You will be triggered by certain situations or people or both. You will not be triggered all the time.
But more on that topic next time.
If you want to stay tuned for more information of the mechanics of how Imposter Syndrome works, subscribe to my weekly newsletter by clicking on the below link (make sure you tick the subscription box)
To learn about my 1-2-1 Signature programme called From Pretended to True Confidence which is designed to bring a transformation by getting you on the path of overcoming Imposter Syndrome
either DM me
book a free coaching session in the link below.
Remember – overcoming Imposter Syndrome is about FACING your Inner Critic and emotions that come with it. It’s not about denying them, pushing yourself through them or beating yourself up.
If it was – you would have been able to overcome your Imposter Syndrome by now.
But that’s not the path.
Have a fabulous rest of your weekend.
With so much LOVE.
Michaela xx
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1 年Such a great post, Michaela Smith! I love that point about not reinventing the wheel, although I think that, whilst other people's learnings and teachings can help us, we still have our own journey and our own conclusion to arrive at. Your point about learning about our triggers is, as you say, absolutely crucial!
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1 年Sending you positive vibes Michaela Your inspiring posts truly make us feel safe and motivated.