Whether you are launching or leading a company, when things aren't working out the way you planned it, it's common to experience Imposter Syndrome. And while it's common, it doesn't mean it should be normal. Your identity should be based on who God says you are, and what He created you to do.
Imposter Syndrome is just another name for Identity Crisis. As entrepreneurs, we're in one of three stages:
- In a crisis
- Coming out of a crisis
- Or while everything seems great, unbeknownst to you, you are heading right for a crisis.
The trouble with trouble is that it's inevitable. Trouble cometh, no matter who you are. It is not a respecter of persons. It has no respect for your past accomplishments. When you allow your identity to be shaped by your circumstances, you'll develop a false identity, AKA Imposter Syndrome.
If you've been around for a while, you've probably heard the phrase "fake it till you make it". In other words, act like you know what you are doing. You know, try to act the part. When you're in a season of Not Winning, this is draining.
If you are a startup founder trying to launch and grow your business, you are certain to experience setbacks, delays, disappointments and failure. In these moments you can feel like a big phony. A fraud.
Or, if you are an experienced CEO who is experiencing flat or declining revenue, you'll start to question why anyone would follow you. After a few years of failing to grow your company, you'll start to question if you've still got it.
Listen up. NEVER allow your identity to be shaped by your circumstances, good or bad.
Hope you enjoy the podcast!
PS ... On Friday's podcast we explore what the scriptures say about your true identity.