Imports of Plastic & Plastic Packaging
Changes in Imports of Plastic incl. Plastic Packaging into India from 1st July 2022

Imports of Plastic & Plastic Packaging

Greetings from MCC we hope that you had a great summer, and are now cooling off with the monsoon in Mumbai.

Today we are "Together" going to learn, how to save the environment.

Some of you reading this email must be wondering that your are not environmental activists, read further to see how you will do your bit as a Global Citizen

Did you know???

  1. Global Temperature is its highest since 1880,
  2. The Artic Ice is 13% lower than 1979 and most importantly,
  3. Sea level has increased 4 inches since January 1993.

We have always known plastics are not degradable, but how serious is the problem?

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At least 50-80% of?Earth’s oxygen comes from the ocean , mostly produced by plankton. These tiny organisms also capture carbon through photosynthesis, making our ocean a vitally important carbon sink. Microplastics affect the ability of these organisms to?grow, reproduce and capture carbon

"A study by World Economic Forum projects that there may be more plastic by weight than Fish in the ocean by 2050

These no longer are early warning indicators but alarming facts which we are dealing with and our Governments are working together to build a better better future for our coming generations.

Some of you may feel, "what does the above have to do with me as an Importer" or "how can I affect climate change" well the answer is "We can do a lot together"

India is changing, we are seeing a change in policy of the government in all areas and, as of today 1st July 2022, the Ministry of Environment, Forests, and Climate Change (MoEFCC) has prohibited the use of "single-use plastic."

This includes the manufacture, import, stocking, distribution, sale, and use of single-use plastic (SUP) commodities, including polystyrene and expanded polystyrene, will be prohibited.

The SUP includes earbuds with plastic sticks; plastic sticks for balloons; plastic flags; candy sticks, ice-cream sticks; polystyrene (Thermocol) for decoration; plates, cups, glasses; cutlery such as forks, spoons, knives, straws; trays; wrapping or packaging films around sweet boxes, invitation cards, and cigarette packets; plastic or PVC banners less than 100 microns; stirrers.

Rule 6 of the Plastic Waste Management Rules 2022, prescribes registration of Importers of plastic packaging of product's with plastic packing, carry bags, multilayered packing or plastic sheets, hence Importers who are covered under the above must under Rule 7.3 register with the Extended Producer Responsibility

Therefore if you are an Importer who is importing fabric, or garments, or lunch boxes, but if your packing material is multilayered packing or plastic sheets then you are covered under the above notification.

If you wish to read further please refer the below links to the notifications.

If you would like to register under EPR please connect with us on [email protected] or +918879699917, where our Experts can assist you.

If you enjoyed reading this, and would like to have an advisory on a topic of your interest please write to me on [email protected].

Instruction No. 09/2022

CBIC Press Release

EPR Guidelines for Plastic Packaging

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