Importing to the UK and what you need to know about the changes in Border Controls from 1 January 2022

Importing to the UK and what you need to know about the changes in Border Controls from 1 January 2022

When importing goods into the UK, you are now required to have a valid declaration and received customs clearance for your goods to be released into circulation. If these requirements are not met, your goods will be kept at ports and other border locations and could be turned away.

As of 1 January 2022, your goods could be moved to inland border facilities for physical or documentary checks if they can not be done at point of arrival. If goods are passing through one of the various border locations an “arrived” export declaration must now also be submitted.

It is vital that both the freight forwarding and transport companies in the UK are aware of this and ready to facilitate the change. The new systems will not allow goods to leave the arrival ports if the new processes are not followed as the goods will not hold export clearance.

At CCL, we are up to date and ready to take on these new changes to ensure our clients goods can be imported into the UK quickly and efficiently to keep their businesses running smoothly.

To find out more on how these changes will impact your business and how we, at CCL, can help ensure your business keeps running smoothly please contact us on 01753 980983 or email [email protected]


