An Important Tool for Modern Laundry Plants – CLM Tunnel Washer System

An Important Tool for Modern Laundry Plants – CLM Tunnel Washer System

With the continuous development of the linen laundry industry, more and more laundry plants have begun to use tunnel washer systems. CLM tunnel washer systems are welcomed by more and more laundry plants around the world for their high efficiency, excellent energy saving, and high intelligence.

High Efficiency?

CLM?16-chamber 60 kg tunnel?washer system?can wash and dry 1.8 tons of linen per hour. The linen is first loaded and weighed by the loading conveyor, then washed in the tunnel washer. After washing, the linen is pressed and dehydrated by the CLM heavy-duty water extraction press. Then, the shuttle conveyor?delivers the dehydrated linen to the tumble dryer. CLM tumble dryer can dry 120 kg of towels each time. The equipment between the CLM tunnel washer system is perfectly matched, and all aspects of washing are efficiently completed.


The CLM tunnel washer system is a complete system composed of a loading conveyor, tunnel washer, water extraction press, shuttle conveyor, and tumble dryer. The operation of each device is controlled by the computer, and all aspects of the washing process are carried out according to the set process and parameters. Through a control screen, employees can monitor and provide feedback on the current operation of each piece of equipment in real-time. The system requires only one employee to operate.

If industrial washing machines are used for washing and drying, it is necessary to configure 18 100 kg industrial washing machines, 15 100 kg industrial dryers, and at least 8 employees to achieve the same one-hour washing of 1.8 tons of linen.

Therefore, the intelligence of the CLM tunnel washer system is not only to standardize the washing process but also to save a lot of labor.

Energy Saving

The CLM tunnel washer system offers significant savings in water and heat. In terms of water use, CLM uses true counter-current rinsing technology, which can consume only 4.7-5.5 kilograms of water per kilogram of linen. It is very important for countries and regions where water resources are scarce or water bills are high.

In terms of heat energy, CLM reduces the water content in the towel through the high dehydration rate of the heavy-duty water extraction press?so as to achieve the effect of saving heat when drying. The inner drum, shell, and door of the CLM tumble dryer?are all insulated with wool felt to further achieve an energy-saving effect.


After upgrading from individual machines to the CLM tunnel washer system in Tongxiang Bochuang Laundry factory in Zhejiang Province, China, we can take a look at the following set of data comparisons.

It can be seen from the data comparison that the hotel linen laundry plant, which washes 5000-6000 sets per day, can save more than 9,000 tons of water per month after upgrading from individual machines to the CLM?steam-heated tunnel washer system. According to the local water bill calculation, it can save an average of 40,000 yuan per month on water bills.?In addition, the further savings in labor costs also create more profits for the laundry plant.


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