Important things to know about #hclcommerce v9.1 release
Moptra Infotech Pvt. Ltd.
Elevating Commerce, Empowering Growth - Moptra: Your Digital Commerce Partner.
HCL Commerce was released on March 31, 2022. What do we know about it, though? In this article, we'll go through the new features and enhancements in this release, as well as how they might help online businesses who use the platform.
Take a look back at HCL Commerce Version 9.1's beginnings.
Before we continue, let's take a look back at how version 9.1 came to be, a development journey that HCL Commerce began in June 2020. (v9.1.0.0).
The following were the five primary features:
While maintaining compatibility with the SOLR-based search solution used in prior WebSphere Commerce releases, a new search solution was provided with cutting-edge features such as Natural Language Processing (NLP) and partial-word features.
Two new reference stores for B2B and B2C usage - Emerald and Sapphire. These reference stores leverage the React framework, the Elasticsearch-based search solution, and all of the architectural improvements present in modern HCL Commerce releases.
Version 9.1 iterates on the containerized cloud-native architecture of Version 9, and supports deployment on Kubernetes. HCL Software Factory could also be used to design and preview a software solution.
The version also eliminated legacy business user tooling. It streamlined access to, and improves the quality-of-life functionality within their replacements.
Version 9.1 featured new integrations and support for a growing number of companion software solutions. This included support for Oracle and OneDB databases, and integration with HCL Digital Experience, for powerful and easy-to-use content management.
Since then, HCL Commerce has made a number of modifications to the base version, culminating in version, which is the subject of our discussion today.
The three most important things to know about Version
The site features and functionality have been updated in HCL Commerce version Here are the most important ones to be aware of:
Support from the marketplace
For version, HCL Commerce introduces marketplaces. The Marketplace menu item in the Management Center now has a number of new choices.The Marketplace option in the store allows designated owners to post products from other sellers. Buyers can use a single or multiple vendor names to filter products. This function is available to both registered and non-registered users.In addition, marketplace owners can manage multiple marketplaces as well as sellers, and sellers have options for controlling their own market.
Store enhancements for B2B and B2C (there are a number of them)
Search enhancements
As you can see from the above, there are a number of reasons to be excited about the new features introduced in the latest HCL Commerce release. While the notable highlights are platform’s movement in the marketplace direction and store enhancements for B2B & B2C, other improvements such as Elasticsearch capabilities have solidified HCL Commerce’s position as one of the leaders in the competitive market of eCommerce technology providers.
So if you are on a previous version, make sure your site is prepared once this update is applied.
You can get in touch with us at Moptra Infotech Pvt Ltd, one of Indias leading ECommerce development companies with worldwide network and a proud #hclcommerce partner.
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