Important Tables in SAP BW4
Process chain tables in sap BW4
The below tables useful in production environment. Make a note in your dairy.
Use T-Code SE11 (Database table) to view these tables in Development system.
RSEVENTCHAIN: Event Chain Processing Event Table
RSEVENTHEAD: Header for the event chain
RSEVENTHEADT: Header for the event chain
RSPCCHAIN: Process chain details
RSPCCHAINATTR: Attributes for a Process Chain
RSPCCHAINEVENTS: Multiple Events with Process Chains
RSPCCHAINT: Texts for Chain
RSPCCOMMANDLOG: System Command Execution Logs (Process Chains)
RSPCLOGCHAIN: Cross-Table Log ID / Chain ID
RSPCLOGS: Application Logs for the Process Chains
RSPCPROCESSLOG: Logs for the Chain Runs
RSPCRUNVARIABLES: Variables for Process Chains for Runtime
RSPC_MONITOR: Monitor individual process chains