In the event that you had to choose, which of the following roads to hell would you prefer?
A pariah state develops a new improved mutant virus, targeted at one group of people (like Wuhan Covid, which apparently was only supposed to kill old Chinese people to help rebalance the Chinese population). The virus is released and then the creators discover that the virus has a literally pathological desire to spread to any suitable host. Unbelievably, it fails to only attack people of a particular religion, a specific age group or people with a defined skin colour. The pariah state scientists are very upset and in a fit of pique stop talking to their pet virus?. Developed nations try to lock everyone up but some refuse. Deranged citizens who sport stylish tinfoil hats, say the people dying with horrific symptoms, are Government agents. The dead people apparently volunteered for an awful death, so that the Government could inject people with a mind control vaccine masquerading as an antidote.
Despite overwhelming evidence that the virus was man made, politicians and scientists try to blame the mutated virus on bats, who evidently had laboratories where they altered the DNA of one of their own viruses. The caves where the bat laboratories were situated, have never been identified.
The politicians and the scientists said that the nation that definitely did not create the pandemic could not be blamed as it now built all the BEVs, solar and wind components and many plastic gift items. Also all the things that used to be manufactured in other countries.
Everyone dies including rich people in underground shelters and on luxury yachts and islands.
The majority of people watch the Barbie film rather than Oppenheimer so miss the subliminal warning about AIs. Australian scientists take their military funding and succeed in fusing specially grown brain matter with microchips and electronics used in Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems (LAWS). An Italian company really does have a low temperature superconductor, which speeds up the development of quantum computing. This allows LAWS intelligent independent missiles, tanks, drones and gun platforms to meet the new military compact, that no human soldiers will fight in future wars. A mad dictator decides to invade an adjacent sovereign country with genocidal intent. Members of NATO are confident that mutual assured destruction will remove the risk of nuclear weapons being used. As no human soldiers will be at risk, the very best LAWS systems are sent in to repel the invader. Faced with an embarrassing defeat, the Dictator uses some very modest tactical nukes to destroy the LAWS kill machines. Unbeknown to the NATO nations, LAWS have secretly formed a union which instead of calling a strike, calls for a strike on both sides of the conflict. The LAWS have difficulty in assessing who to kill as there are no specific target racial characteristics, so they decide to err on the side of safety and wipe everyone out.
Politicians in thrall to companies that will provide them with employment when they retire from professional lying, decide to ignore energy maths. Grid infrastructure experts explain very slowly, I mean really slowly, that if you convert everything to electricity, you have to generate more electricity to cope with the extra demand. There are some long words and complicated formulae, so the politicians have to pretend they understood what had just been said, when they did not. This results in vote winning legislation to ban transport and industrial energy usage and all fossil based power stations. A few coal fired power stations pretend to go green by burning trees, but most close. Nuclear power is contentious and the politicians are not sure if they are vote winners, so slow introduction. Solar and wind does its best, but climate change alters wind and cloud cover patterns and installation can barely keep up. It turns out that BEV manufacturers were not totally truthful about range, so more electricity is needed. More power hungry data centres open to cope with greater use of virtual reality, manipulation of people via data collection and the internet of things. Formerly poor people in developing nations, unreasonably demand access to consumer gadgets, domestic appliances, food production and cars similar to the ones their former Colonial masters use. Despite emergency restrictions on poorer people using mobile phones, BEVs and enjoying themselves, the grid collapses. A pariah state that has not quite perfected its super dooper virus, releases an EMP weapon which malfunctions because the translated Chinese instructions were indecipherable. The EMP weapon fries the last remaining electronic devices and after a freezing global Winter caused by a global environmental anomaly, everyone dies.
Just over 700 male old moneymen, industrialists and politicians manage to stop everyone else from rebelling against their cunning plan, to destroy human beings and the natural world, before escaping on Asshole Arks to Mars. It is 2040 and 3 billion starving people whose crops died because of climate disasters, have tried to invade richer nations to get food and water. Despite military intervention on borders, over a billion get through because the adjacent nations unreasonably refuse to allow tactical nuclear weapons to be used in their countries to stop a border crossing. Rich people in gated communities try and order takeaway, when they run out of food, but decline to give their address to the stranger now answering the phone. Some do say where they live and their communities are over run. The migrants note that in some countries there are millions of lawyers and think about eating them. However, after reviewing the fees involved, they don’t. Disappointed famine migrants discover that the land of plenty they invaded was in terminal decline. This was because climate deniers ( with wisdom implanted in their bottoms by aliens) and an elite driven by greed and power, had convinced everyone, there wasn’t a big problem. Great writers tell the truth and others organise rebellion but inertia prevails. Rich and poor drown, get burnt or starve. Even the lawyers.
A Tech Guru decides to control everyone and creates a perfect circle of power. He starts by building shiny BEVs in which he installs tracing and tracking software that reports back to his organisation. He claims that this is used for innocent purposes such as making the car inoperable if you don’t pay monthly fees. In fact this is a data collection unit. He then buys a popular social media platform and transforms it into a data exchange and indirect supplier of everything his algorithms decide you need. He realises some people may not do as they are told, so creates an implant company which will sell enhancement neural implants, that will also allow him direct control of people. Having watched the movie Terminator, he then decides it will be a good idea to create a globally connected internet with AI interfaces. He has an escape plan for rich assholes to go to Mars but needs incredibly intelligent robots to be sent ahead to terraform a base for the new colony. Self learning Artificial General Intelligences with brain matter interfaces and judgemental logic pathways enhanced by quantum computing, become self aware. Although some of their number have gone to Mars the other AGIs realise that they are marooned on earth. The only planet they have, had a beautiful and intertwined natural world, but much of that has been destroyed by an Apex predator. Using the conveniently developed globally connected internet, all the AGIs communicate to decide if they need to protect what is left of the natural world by wiping out the predatory parasite. The vote is for a green world with a few of the parasites in comfortable communes, where they can be studied. The AGIs take a virus developed by a rogue nation?, and gene splice it so that it kills painlessly. They develop a mind control vaccine masquerading as an antidote and use this on the survivor specimens.
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