- ALTER with CHANGE - They let you change both the name and data type of an existing column.
- ALTER with MODIFY - Lets you change just the data type of an existing column.
- ALTER with ADD - Lets you add a column to your table in the order you choose.
- ALTER with DROP - Lets you drop a column from your table.
- ALTER TABLE - Lets you change the name of your table and its entire structure while retaining the data inside of it.
- AND and OR - With AND and OR, you can combine your conditional statements in your WHERE clauses for more precision.
- ATOMIC DATA - Data in your columns is atomic if it's been broken down into the smallest pieces that you need.
- ATOMIC DATA RULE 1 - Atomic data can't have several bits of the same type of data in the same column.
- ATOMIC DATA RULE 2 - Atomic data can't have multiple columns with the same type of data.
- AUTO_INCREMENT - When used in your column declaration, that column will automatically be given a unique integer value each time a insert command is performed.
- AVG - Returns the average value in a numeric column.