Important Resources to Learn Near??

Important Resources to Learn Near??

Building smart contracts with Rust - Building Smart Contracts with Rust

??Near introdaction


You should have the following requirements installed:

  • Rust (Installation guide and if you want to learn more about Rust, check this guide HERE)
  • NEAR CLI (Installation guide)
  • NEAR Testnet account (If you don't have testnet account, check this guide HERE)

??Near protocol features

??Fungible Token

Tutorial (example with guided code) - Fungible Tokens Zero to Hero | NEAR Documentation

?Non-Fungible Token

Tutorial(example with guided code) - NFT Zero to Hero | NEAR Documentation


Basic Examples -? Donation | NEAR Documentation (thw whole project -, crossword game (full tutorial with frontend) - Basics overview laying out what will be accomplished in this first section. | NEAR Documentation


About testing in general - Introduction | NEAR Documentation and

Tutorial about intergation tests -


Example how to compile and deploy smart contract on Near testnet - Figment Learn | How to write and deploy a smart contract in Rust


Introduction to Rust Development - NEAR Web Series #4

Contract Tutorials - NEAR Web Series #5

Writing NEAR Smart Contracts in Rust - NEAR Web Series Session #6

?? ??Additional(Udemy course)

The Complete NEAR Blockchain Smart Contract + Dapp Course - complex course about smart contracts built on AssemblyScript, Typescript, JavaScript and Rust + some front-end fundamentals (sections 93 - 108 about rust smart contracts development)

Veronika B.

???? iOS Developer | ARKit | RealityKit | Metal

1 年

It’s so handy. Thanks!


It is very useful! Thanks??



