An Important read
Coming out today. This is an important read. If you are one of the people waking up to the fact the justice system needs reforming it is that much more important. I have been working as a private investigator in some fashion since March 13, 1987. You wouldn't think that someone who does criminal defense work would find a lot of common ground with someone like Commissioner Kerik who comes from a background of law enforcement and held one of the most prominent positions in law enforcement. He manages with this book to turn something bad nto something not just good but useful. Like him or not (most people I have come across like him quite a bit, no one forgets he was here for all of us on 9-11) you should read this book. Few people have had the experiences he has on both sides of the system. Please re post this my friends. I can also tell you this: I am privy to some of the things that happened during Bernie's criminal trial and n ot just me but anyone in with experience in courts was shocked as well. If you intend to pass judgement, hear his side. Either way a very worthwhile read.