Important Question for Manual Testing:

# Software Testing

It is the process of analyzing any given piece of software to determine if it meets shareholders’ needs as well as detecting defects, and ascertaining the item’s overall quality by measuring its performance, features, quality, utility, and completeness.

# Functional testing:

In this type of testing the system is tested againts the functional rquirement and specification.

e.g- Ubit Testing ,Smoke Test,Regression testing.

#Non functional Testing:

In this type of testing that is performed to verify the non functional requirement of the application.

It verifies the behavior of the application.

e.g- Performance Testing,Load Testing,Stress Testing etc

# Explorateory testing:

Simultaneously test design and execution againts the application is called explorateory testing.

It is performed as a final check before the software is released.

# Objective of Software Testing:

? find Defect

? Good Quality

? Security

? Customer satisfaction.

#SDLC(software Development life Cycle):

it is a process to develop the product and deployed the develop product to environment and the whole process is known as SDLC.

The stages of SDLC are:

? Planning

? Defining

? Designing

? Building

? Testing

? Deployement

#STLC(software testing Life Cycle):

It is a preocess that you follow with SDLC to test any applicationor any software.

The stages of STLC are:

? Requirement Analysis

? Test Planning

? Test case development

? Test Environment setup

? Test Execution

? Test closure

# WaterFall Model :

in this model outcome of one phase act as input of another phase.

the next phase started if only previous phase is completed.It is used in small project.


? Easy and simple to understand

? easy to arrange task


It cant accomodate any changes if required.

#Itterative model

In this model the whole requirement is divided into small parts and each part is designed ,developed ,tested,and deployed in an increment way.


? Parallel development can be done.


? Employee should have overall knowledge of requiremts.

# V model:

In this model each phase of SDLC must complete before the next phase started.

The V-model is a type of SDLC model where the process executes in a sequential manner in a V-shape.

It is also known as the Verification and Validation model.

# Agile Methodology:

an agile software development model works in small iteration.You test the software as it is getting built.The devoper build a small fuctionality according to requirement.

the tester test it and get customer feedbackwhich drive future development.

# Principle of Agile Methodology:

? Individuals and interactions over processes and tools

? Working software over comprehensive documentation

? Customer collaboration over contract negotiation

? Responding to change over following a plan

# Regression testing:

It is a type of testing in the software development cycle that is done to verify the new changes in the software does not impact the existing functionality.

#Integration Testing:

Integration testing is a type of software testing where components of the software are gradually integrated and then tested as a unified group.

Usually these components are already working well individually, but they may break when integrated with other components.

? Top Down Integartion testing: It happen from top to bottom i.e high level module are tested first and after low level module began.

? Bottom up Integration Testing: It happen from base level to high level i.e low level module are tested first then high level module bega.

# Difference between Verification and Validation:

***Verification ***:

Verification is the process of checking that software achieves its goal without any bugs.

It is the process to ensure whether the product that is developed is right or not

Verification: Are we building the product right?


Validation is the process of checking whether the software product is up to the mark or in other words product has high-level requirements.

It is the process of checking the validation of the product i.e. it checks what we are developing is the right product.

Validation: Are we building the right product?

# Static Testing

Verification Testing is known as Static Testing and it can be simply termed as checking whether we are developing the right product or not and also whether our software is fulfilling the customer’s requirement or not.

It s performed before the code deployement.

# Dynamic Testing

Validation Testing is known as Dynamic Testing in which we examine whether we have developed the product right or not and also about the business needs of the client.

It s performed after the code deployement.

# smoke testing:

Smoke testing, also called build verification testing or confidence testing, is a software testing method that is used to determine if a new software build is ready for the next testing phase.

This testing method determines if the most crucial functions of a program work but does not delve into finer details.

It is a subset of acceptance testing.

# Sanity Test:

Sanity testing is a type of software testing that aims to quickly evaluate whether the basic functionality of a new software build is working correctly or not.

It is usually performed on builds that are in the initial stages of development before the full regression testing is performed.

# Difference between Bug and Defect:

In software testing, a bug is the informal name of defects, which means that software or application is not working as per the requirement. When we have some coding error, it leads a program to its breakdown, which is known as a bug. The test engineers use the terminology Bug.

If a QA (Quality Analyst) detect a bug, they can reproduce the bug and record it with the help of the bug report template.When the application is not working as per the requirement is knows as defects.

It is specified as the aberration from the actual and expected result of the application or software.In other words, we can say that the bug announced by the programmer and inside the code is called a Defect.

#Bug Leakage:

Reappear the bug after it was previously fixed

#Bug Release:

Bugs are identified after the software releasedto the client or user.

#QTP(Quick Test Professional):

It is an automated testing tool used for regression and functional testing.

It is a Data Driven Keyword based tool. If we open QTP we saw three button i.e Record,Play and stop.It record the action and play it back.

# RFT(Rational functional Tester):

RFtT is java tool used to automate the test case of software application.RFT is used for automating regression test case.


Increase the product Quality.

It make sure the issue fixed do not occur again.

# White box testing:

In this testing we provide the input and verify the output with the expected value if the output is equal to expected value then the test case got passed.

But we have clear idea about the internal working,structure and code etc.

Two technique:

? Statemnet coverage

? Decision Coverage

# Black Box Testing:

In this testing we provide the input and verify the output with the expected value if the output is equal to expected value then the test case got passed.

But we have no idea about the internal working,structure and code etc.

Three technique:

? Equivalance partioning

? Boundary Value Analysis

? Cause Effect Garphics.

# Stubs:

when top-down integration testing is performed, lower-level modules are not produced until top-level modules are tested and integrated.

Stubs or dummy modules are used in these circumstances to emulate module behaviour by delivering a hard-coded or predicted result based on the input variables.

# Testbed:

A testbed is an environment used for testing an application, including the hardware as well as any software needed to run the program to be tested.

# Difference between Priority and Severity:

Priority is defined as the order in which a defect should be fixed. Higher the priority the sooner the defect should be resolved.

Bug Severity or Defect Severity in testing is a degree of impact a bug or a Defect has on the software application under test. A higher effect of bug/defect on system functionality will lead to a higher severity level.

# Pesticide Paradox:

According to the pesticide paradox, if the same tests are done repeatedly, the same test cases will eventually stop finding new bugs.

Developers will be especially cautious in regions where testers discovered more flaws, and they may overlookPositive and Negative Testing?

other areas. Methods for avoiding the pesticide conundrum include:

? To create a completely new set of test cases to put various aspects of the software to the test.

? To create new test cases and incorporate them into existing test cases.

# Bug Life Cycle:

? Tester finds the defect

? Status assigned to defect- New

? A defect is forwarded to Project Manager for analyze

? Project Manager decides whether a defect is valid

? Here the defect is not valid- a status is given “Rejected.”

? So, project manager assigns a status rejected. If the defect is not rejected then the next step is to check whether it is in scope. Suppose we have another function- email functionality for the same application, and you find a problem with that. But it is not a part of the current release when such defects are assigned as a postponed or deferred status.

? Next, the manager verifies whether a similar defect was raised earlier. If yes defect is assigned a status duplicate.

? If no the defect is assigned to the developer who starts fixing the code. During this stage, the defect is assigned a status in- progress.

? Once the code is fixed. A defect is assigned a status fixed

? Next, the tester will re-test the code. In case, the Test Case passes the defect is closed. If the test cases fail again, the defect is re-opened and assigned to the developer.

#Test case:

Test case is used to check whether an application complies with its requirements.

It is a documented set of circumstances including prerequisites, input values, and expected outcomes

# Test Scenario:

A test scenario is derived from a use case.

It's used to test an application's feature from beginning to end.

Multiple test cases can be accommodated by a single test scenario.

# Test Plan:

A test plan is a formal document that specifies the scope of testing, the method to be used, the resources needed, and the estimated time to complete the testing process.

# Test Data:

Test data is information that is used to test software with various inputs and determine whether the resulting output matches the intended result.

# Unit testing:

A unit test is a way of testing a unit - the smallest piece of code that can be logically isolated in a system.

Bohdan Savchuk

Software QA Expert | Co-Founder

10 个月

Well-articulated and thought-provoking!


