Important post
I hope everyone reads this post.I want to be candid for whatever wrong happened with me these 20 years.I still have that wistful feeling of getting a time machine,going back to 20 years back during my 3rd year B.E studies, and change my decision what I took then,which literally made me person of nothing now from everything.Till then I was good at Maths,Science(technically) and I could concentrate well in studies,study for long hours.I could easily have done my Phd and become a scientist of a good level.But I made a blunder then.I wanted to do something for the people,to the community,what sh*** not,I wanted to do something good for others.Because of it,I had to deviate from my studies.I took a decision,oath rather that Hereafterwards,I will devote my all resources and time first to welfare of the people and community and then second to me being Scientist .I was also truthful and loyal to my decision and I never looked back nor changed my decision.Because of this I exerted far too lot on myself,did experiments on myself,Hence my concentration towards studies also deterioted.I really feel sorry for that as I had huge aspirations of becoming a scientist(doing my Phd atleast).It happened all because of my stupid decision(oath).I 'suffered' from 'depression',this was all my 'depression' all about.It took a while from my efforts to regain a few bit of my form(which I had before),a handy bit of it.