Important Note
Dear Connections,
Hi, my name is Walid Odtalla and I am an IT Specialist person used to work here in Jordan with Omnix International L.L.C. branch in Amman but after two and half years they gave us an apologize termination letter due for the lost of their projects which had happened on 4th May year 2017. If any one needs support as an IT Specialist matter as a freelancer please do not hesitate to call me directly at my cell phone which is +962796559978 where ever you guys are located in Jordan. I have a car so I will come to you guys either in the house, establishment and companies in the whole kingdom of Jordan. In addition, I also can work as a driver to drop you and pick you up from where you want to go in Jordan so please if you need the help please do call me at +962796559978 and I am available for 24/7 also. I hope to hear from you soon.
Thanks & Best Regards,
Eng. Walid Odtalla.