What is Linux ?
Linux is an open-source operating system that serves as the foundation for many different types of computer systems. It was created by Linus Torvalds and is built upon the Unix operating system.
you don't have to pay to use the operating system
What is Linux command do ?
In Linux, commands are instructions that you give to the operating system using the command-line interface (CLI), They allow you to perform various tasks, such as managing files and directories, installing software, configuring settings, and interacting with the system, Think of Linux commands as a way to communicate with your computer using text-based instructions. Instead of using a graphical user interface (GUI) with buttons and icons, you type commands into a terminal or command prompt, Each command has a specific purpose and syntax, and when you execute a command, the operating system carries out the corresponding action.
What is open source ?
A program tool are packages available for free, even the source code for the program is available on the internet we can use without any approval and licence
What is Linux distributions ?
there are very type s of variants linux available in the market and we can use any of them as per our requirements
some of the common linux distribution
What is Linux kernel ?
kernel is the heart of operating system, it is the interface between the hardware and processes. it take care of memory managements, process managements and other hardware drivers.
Managing file system
Unleash the Power of Linux Commands: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners
2. whoami: with which user logged into the system
3. uptime: it help to know uptime of the server since when the server is up and running
4. ip r: provides the private IP address of the server
5. w: it provide the system uptime and user details who current logged into the system
6. hostnamectl: it gives the host name and operating system name.
7. ls: List files and directories in the current location.
8. cd: Change directory (navigate to a different folder).
9. mkdir: Create a new directory.
10. rm: Remove/delete a file or directory.
11. cp: Copy files and directories.
12. mv: Move or rename files and directories.
13. pwd: Print the current working directory.
14. cat: Display the contents of a file.
15. ls -a:
15. clear: This command lets you clear the terminal screen.
Thank you, dear readers, for joining me on this journey into the world of Linux commands. Your time and attention are greatly appreciated.
I hope this blog post has provided you with valuable insights and a solid foundation for mastering the command line.
Stay tuned for more exciting content, and feel free to reach out with any questions or suggestions.
Happy exploring and may your Linux adventures be fruitful.