Important fundamentals of a successful Multi-Cloud Environment
A multi-cloud world is quickly becoming the new normal for
many enterprises. But embarking on a cloud journey and
managing cloud-based services across multiple providers
can seem overwhelming.
Even the term multi-cloud can be confusing. Multi-cloud is not
the same as hybrid cloud. The technical definition of a hybrid
cloud is an environment that includes traditional data centers
with physical servers, a private cloud with virtualized servers as
well a public cloud provisioned by service providers. Quite
often, multi-cloud simply means that an organization uses
multiple public clouds from many vendors to deliver its IT
services. In other words, organizations can have a multi-cloud
without having a hybrid cloud, or they can have a multi-cloud
as part of a hybrid cloud.
When an organization’s users take the initiative to adopt
infrastructure and solutions from different cloud vendors,
challenges emerge. Each new cloud service comes with
its own tools that can increase complexity. Multi-cloud
environments require new management solutions to optimize
performance, control costs, and secure complicated mixes of
applications and environments, regardless of whether they
are inside the data center or in the cloud.
Today, IT users have a choice. Corporate IT departments
know that if they don’t react, they may find themselves
irrelevant. As a result, they are moving away from the capital
investment model of IT—in which standing up a data center
was essential—to assembling a catalog of IT services available
from CSPs. In this environment, how can IT control the use
of services by different internal groups to avoid unexpected
expenses and potential risks?
Understanding cloud environments and making decisions
about multi-cloud management can be complex. Questions
arise, such as how organizations need to change in this
multi-cloud world. Working with enterprise customers,
IBM has identified ten key pain points and related best
practices that help organizations successfully navigate.