Important Functions in Flutter

Important Functions in Flutter

In Flutter, Dart functions play a crucial role in managing UI updates, handling state, and improving performance. Here are some of the most important Dart functions you should know when developing Flutter apps:

1?? UI & Widget Lifecycle Functions

? setState(() { ... }) – Updates the UI by notifying the framework that state has changed.

? initState() – Called once when a stateful widget is inserted into the tree, great for initializing data.

? dispose() – Used to clean up resources (e.g., closing streams, controllers) when a widget is removed.

? didChangeDependencies() – Called when inherited widgets change and require updates. ? build(BuildContext context) – The core function that builds the UI of a widget.

2?? List & Collection Functions

? map() – Transforms a list into another format.

?? Example:

List<int> numbers = [1, 2, 3];
List<int> squared = => n * n).toList(); // [1, 4, 9]        

? where() – Filters a list based on conditions.

? reduce() – Combines all elements of a list into a single value.

? contains() – Checks if a list contains a specific value.

3?? String & Number Functions

? toString() – Converts a number/object to a string.

? int.parse() & double.parse() – Converts a string to an integer or double.

? toUpperCase() & toLowerCase() – Changes the case of a string.

? substring(start, end) – Extracts part of a string.

? replaceAll(old, new) – Replaces parts of a string.

4?? Date & Time Functions

? – Gets the current date & time.

? DateTime.parse() – Converts a string into a DateTime object.

? difference() – Calculates the time difference between two dates.

5?? Future & Async Functions (Asynchronous Programming)

? async & await – Used for handling asynchronous operations.

? Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: x)) – Delays execution of code.

? then() – Executes a function after a Future completes.

?? Example:

Future<String> fetchData() async {
  await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 2));
  return "Data Loaded!";

6?? Error Handling Functions

? try-catch – Catches errors and prevents app crashes.

? on Exception catch (e) – Catches specific exceptions.

? assert() – Used for debugging, throws errors if conditions aren’t met.

7?? Navigation Functions

? Navigator.push() – Moves to a new screen.

? Navigator.pop() – Closes the current screen and goes back.

? Navigator.pushReplacement() – Replaces the current screen with a new one.

8?? State Management & Dependency Injection

? Provider.of<T>(context) – Retrieves the nearest provider in Provider state management. ?<T>() – Reads a value without rebuilding UI.

?<T>() – Watches for state changes and rebuilds UI.


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