Important of Documentation

Once upon a time, a seasoned HR professional was journeying by train, comfortably ensconced in an air-conditioned coach. The coach was devoid of other passengers, providing him with a tranquil environment.

In due course, a woman entered the coach and chose to sit opposite him. After a while, she approached him with a demand that was as unexpected as it was audacious. She insisted that he hand over all his valuables - money, mobile, and more. If he refused, she threatened to raise an alarm, accusing him of harassment and inappropriate behaviour.

Unfazed by her threats, the HR professional calmly reached into his bag and retrieved a pen and paper. He scribbled a note explaining that he was unable to hear or speak and invited her to write down her demands on the paper.

The woman, perhaps taken aback, complied and wrote down everything she had previously voiced. She handed the paper back to him, her demands now documented in her own handwriting.

With a knowing smile, the HR professional informed her that she was free to shout and create a scene if she wished. He now had documentary proof of her actions.

This incident underscores the importance of documentation and the value of experience in the field of Human Resources. It serves as a reminder to never underestimate the HR Department. They are equipped with the skills and knowledge to handle even the most challenging situations. :)


