Important for any Relationship

Important for any Relationship

So when's the last time you and your spouse, significant other or loved one spent some time away from the kids just you and them?? When's the last time you took some time to yourselves to just be lovebirds?? When's the last time you two took some time together to laugh, to continue to get to know each other better, to do some things you both enjoy together?? To grow together spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and physically. I don't just mean for a couple of hours or an occasional night out for date night, or to just have some time to sit and talk once the kids have gone to bed either. You and your marriage or relationship deserves A LOT MORE than that.

I spoke to two couples at my church who each took a weekend getaway without their kids recently. Now imagine taking a few days away from the kids or grandkids and having some "mommy and daddy time" together. And it only reminds me of the many challenges most married couples face of not communicating well together and not having enough quality time to themselves. Some couples in efforts to be great parents end up growing apart when they should be growing together. I was very excited for both of these couples because of how dear they and they children are to me. I'm sure it was very enjoyable and refreshing to be able to take some time away for themselves. I'm sure it also relieved any stresses or tension too.

So when will you and your loved one be next?? When will it be your turn together? Quit feeling so guilty for taking time away from your kids. You owe it to yourselves to take some time for yourself without feeling guilty or like a bad parent. Actually this will end up making you two a better parents plus reduce daily stresses; it will make you two feel alive again and you will continue to grow "together". It doesn't have to be an expensive vacation or to go anywhere in particular. That is for you two to decide. Just do it and go somewhere and feel good about it. Take some time away to "recharge". You can find someone to watch the kids for a few days. Trade off with one of your friends and watch their kids the next weekend. You will feel so glad that you did.

And to my happy couples who already did this recently and experienced the joy of taking some time to themselves, I ask you, when and how soon are you going to do it again???

937 - 219 -4588 or [email protected]

Kel Silas CFT MHT

Board Certified in Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy


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