The Importance Of The Word ''WE"
There was an article brought to my attention recently discussing the key words, phrases, to always include in your communication be it verbally on the phone, face to face, or in correspondence. Just a few examples are, 'Please', 'Thank You', 'I'm Sorry', The word last listed as the word not to use for the purpose in gaining a positive relationship was the 'I' word. This article caused me to reflect of the life lessons many years ago when I departed law enforcement, and entered into a whole new world called, ''Corporate Industrial Sales''. I did so as a very young man by choice, for I dared to dare, all with my brides unmeasurable support, and encouragement. The main motive for taking on this challenge was to better the quality of life for my family. The other was also due to my nature, for I embrace the adventure, the unknown, and true to this day at 72. Yes, at the time, the 1970's, I felt , and likely appeared as a new born calf who after birth seen fumbling for balance in its new surroundings. Goodness, such a contrast from Marine Nam (combat) veteran, who shortly later dived into another frying pan as law enforcement. Later, finding myself enshrouded in this foreign environment called ''Corporate America''. I was so fortunate, lucky, for having been given an opportunity of a life time that even at that time, the most formerly educated felt privileged to acquire. One of the first, yet many lessons emphasized by my Regional Manager, a fine gentleman, a Mr. Art Johannes, of Federal Sign & Signal, was to always include the ''We'', in my business letters to our customers. He taught me that it didn't matter if it was just a small distributor , a state police director, or a buyer for Allis Chambers. Same condition applied with regard to verbal conversations in that the almighty ''We'', had a huge impact on your relations verse the self centered,''I''. In this article, the ''I'' is listed by what ever source, as the least important word to convey in any situation. I can state, coming .from the school of hard knocks, verse a college degree , having made many fumbles before making touch downs in the corporate world, the ''WE'' was paramount just as is the case in any environment where "Team Work" , ''Working Together'' (Gung Ho) is your most valuable tool in achieving success. The others certainly apply, but from many years of this thing called, ''Experience'', I assure you, the absence of ''We'', none of the others will allow you to move foreword regardless of how many times you say your' 'sorry'', or ''please'', etc. I will let you the reader, figure that out as to ''Why''. Lastly , may ''WE'' all learn to look for this critical character trait, or observe the absence of same from our leaders. Hmmmmm. May "WE'' all learn from each other.