Colon and stomach cancer are not only detectable but also preventable, take a step closer to ensuring your complete health by reading this article and finding a suitable center for your procedure today.

An endoscope is a flexible tube with an attached camera. There are several types of endoscopies; which include;?

  • Gastroscopy?
  • Colonoscopy?
  • Bronchoscopy?
  • Colposcopy?
  • Cystoscopy?
  • Laparoscopy?
  • Thoracoscopy?
  • Arthroscopy?

And so much more, but in this article our focus will be on?the first two in the above list.?

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Upper gastro-intestinal endoscopy is also called ‘GASTROSCOPY’ and lower gastro-intestinal endoscopy is called ‘COLONOSCOPY’. It requires a gastroenterologist or surgeon to insert an endoscope through a small cut or an opening in the body such as the mouth or anus, to view by the aid of a screen the state of the internal structure of the gastrointestinal system. ?

Your reason for carrying out either one of these procedures could be; to complete a periodic comprehensive wellness check, as a medical follow up test after a surgery or for chronic symptoms of either peptic ulcer disease, hiatal hernia, colon cancer, indigestion, worm infestation, abdominal pain,?ulcerative colitis, blood in stool, hemorrhoids and anal lacerations.?

At my present facility, we see patients from different walks of life that come in for these endoscopic procedures and are happy they did it early. We have a state-of-the-art endoscopy facility where either of the above-mentioned procedures can be carried out within 5-30 minutes, depending on what we find internally.?


Research has it that with or without symptoms, a person should have either of the above done from the age of 40years upwards due to both a higher risk and incidence of polyps and other abnormal growths that could be potential cancers.?Although there are people who can be said to be in special need of these procedures, they include: ?

  • persons with a family history of any type of cancer?
  • people with a personal history of cancer?
  • people with consistent symptoms of chronic gastrointestinal disease.?


The examination for a gastroscopy is very quick and takes an average of 3-5 minutes to complete. This is?not a painful procedure. Most patients are sensitive to the camera passing down their throat, so an anesthetic throat spray and a few?light sedative injections can make the examination much more comfortable. Take note you will not be put to sleep for this procedure.?

A colonoscopy on the other hand is a procedure to look for cancerous growths and polyps in the colon I.e., large intestine.?Fear of pain and embarrassment is?common, and it may even deter people from seeking this potentially lifesaving screening test. ?The procedure usually takes?30–60 minutes.

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If a polyp or other growths are seen in the lining of the colon; they may remove them and send them to a laboratory for further testing. This means that a colonoscopy can both test for and sometimes treat harmful growths in the colon. A colon polyp is a small growth that can develop anywhere in the large intestine. ?

Colon polyps are often precancerous, but unlike other precancerous indicators in the body, they can easily be removed as they are found during a colonoscopy — a cancer screening that internally examines the entire length of your large intestine.?

In most cases, a person needs to prepare for the procedure a day or two in advance by taking?prescribed laxatives?and changing their diet to clean out the intestines. This ensures that the gastroenterologist can easily see the inside of the intestines.?


If you have been scheduled for a?gastroscopy procedure, there is not much preparation involved here, all you will most likely be required to do is to is to stay off solid high fiber foods a day to your procedure and then come fasting on the morning of your procedure. ?

You are required to do this because the camera of the gastroscope will not properly visualize the lining of the esophagus and stomach if you eat on the morning of the procedure or if you consume a high fiber diet a day before.?

But for a colonoscopy the groundwork?is quite different and a bit more demanding. Because different institutions utilize different specialists, there is not one single method of preparing a patient's bowel. However, some medications and instructions are quite similar.?

?2 Days Before Your Procedure ?

  • Pick up your prescription bowel prep protocol. When your doctor requested this test, the prescription should have been automatically sent to your preferred?pharmacy or picked up in the prescribing facility.?
  • Find someone to come with you to your appointment. You may not be advised to drive home alone or take a bus; a cab or Uber will work.?

1 Day Before Your Procedure ?

  • Do not eat any solid food?
  • Stop any antacids: TUMS, Rolaids, magnesia milk, sucralfate, Carafate, or any stomach coating products.?
  • Start a clear liquid diet as soon as you wake up in the morning. You may drink: apple juice, white grape juice, sports drinks, water, tea, clear soda, hard candy, Jell-O. Please avoid any liquids that are red or purple. You may not have coffee, milk, yogurt, ice cream, dark colored soda, chocolate or alcohol. ?
  • Please follow the instructions sent you. Mix the prescription powder only with water; do not use juice, soda or any other liquid. ?
  • The medications given to you are designed to?induce artificial diarrhea and may also cause nausea, bloating and cramping. Hence you are advised to clear your work calendar or work from home.?

Your Procedure Day ?

  • Do not eat, suck on hard candy or sweets or chew gum. Drink only clear liquids and/or prep solution. You may take your morning medications with small sips of water. ?
  • The goal is to make your stool a clear liquid, similar to the consistency and color of urine. After you finish the bowel prep, no food or drink is permitted until after your procedure. Failure to observe this rule will result in cancellation of the procedure. If you do not follow these instructions, your colon may not be cleaned out well enough for the inside of your colon to be clearly seen. Your colonoscopy may then need to be rescheduled.?
  • ?Leave all jewelry and valuables at home.?Arrive at least one hour before your procedure time and check in at registration. ?

Join me in my next article to learn more about the details of the procedures itself and the many possibilities tied to them. I do hope you found value. Do well to share with your family, friends and all loved ones.

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Thank you for sharing wonderful information based on health condition.

Uduak Duke

NGRN, UKRN, BNSC- (ILS, BLS, ALS Certified), Theatre Practitioner

2 年

Thanks for sharing

Excellent article, Sarah! Thanks for writing and sharing it. Echoing your comments: It is essential that people of ALL ages become more aware of cancer, and how lifestyle choices and environmental degradation can impact to health and well-being. Additionally, the public have nothing to lose in their lives to save if they have regular check ups!

Meghan Codd

?????????? Spanish communication coach helping passionate medical professionals learn Spanish to better serve their patients |??18 yrs. designing & teaching language programs |??7 yrs. teaching abroad

2 年

Great point about looking closely about youth screenings! Thanks for sharing your work Sarah K.!


